NodeJS Express Starter for backends and microservices
Easier than GraphQL, customizable and concise, Model-API generic functions for sequelize
Automate the boilerplate stuff
Click to see sample app using it
- Sequelize
- Auto CRUD API Routes for Models
- Auto SwaggerUI Admin
- Non-invasive, allows regular/custom backend work
- JWT Security RS256
- Auth0 Automatic Configuration (even Clients)
- Database Migrations with umzug
- Auto Tests with jest and Docker
- VSCode launchers, debugging server and tests
- Webpack with Hot Reload and Cache
- Git Pre-Commit Hook that run tests and block bad commits
- if docker is available go with:
yarn start
- Modify setup/db.json if not and
yarn dev
- For Auth0 Automated Setup, copy sample.env to workspaces/server/.env and populate with:
- Create auth0 account
- Go to Dashboard > Applications > API Explorer Application > Settings and copy settins into .env:
domain withouttenant - AUTH_EXPLORER_ID=
Client ID
Client Secret