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a statement can have 6 numbers #40

JonnyBurger opened this issue Nov 8, 2020 · 3 comments

a statement can have 6 numbers #40

JonnyBurger opened this issue Nov 8, 2020 · 3 comments


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const d = 'M418 430.8c-1.3.2-3 1.1-3.8 2-.7 1-1.1 1.1-.7.4.4-.9-.8-1.2-4.7-1.3-12.7-.4-19.6 0-24.5 1.3-3.2.9-5.3 1.1-5.3.5 0-1.4-12.2 0-13.1 1.5-1.1 1.7-3.9.1-3.9-2.1 0-1.8-.3-1.9-2.7-1-1.6.6-4.9 1.2-7.5 1.4-3.2.2-4.6-.1-4.1-.8.3-.6.1-.7-.6-.3-.6.4-5.2.8-10.1.9-5 0-9 .4-9 .8 0 1.1-6.9 1.6-7.3.6-.4-1.3-16.9-1.7-18.5-.4-.8.6-2.3 1.2-3.5 1.2-1.1.1-2.3.7-2.5 1.3-.1.5-1.3 2.1-2.5 3.4-1.2 1.4-4.3 4.8-6.9 7.7-2.7 2.8-4.8 5.4-4.8 5.6 0 .2-1.5 2.7-3.4 5.5-1.9 2.9-4.5 7.8-5.7 10.9-1.2 3.1-2.8 7.2-3.6 9.1-.8 1.9-1.9 4.4-2.3 5.5-1.2 3-2 7.1-3 15.5-1.6 14.5-1.8 21-.6 1.1-2.4 1-.9 3.4-3.2 5.4-5.1 2.3-2.2 5.1-3.6 7.9-4.1 2.4-.5 5-.4 6 .1 1.2.7 1.8.6 1.8-.1 0-.6.5-.8 1-. 1.3-.2.4 1.9.7 4.7.7 2.9 0 5.7.5 6.2 2.6 1.4 4.5 1.7 6.4.9 11 2.7 12 4.6 1.1 2 1.4 5.7.4 4.7-.6-.6-1.8.2-5.7 3.8a6.69 6.69 0 01-5.1 1.6c-1.7-.2-3.5-.9-4.1-1.6-.7-1-5.4-1.7-15.5-2.3-13.2-.8-14.9-.7-19.1 1-2.6 1.1-5.8 3.1-7.2 4.6-2.1 2.3-2.6 3.9-3 10.7-.2 4.4-.8 8.9-1.2 9.9-.6 1.4-.5 1.7.3 1.2s1.2.3 1.2 2.6c0 1.8-.5 6.2-1.1 9.8-.6 3.6-1 7.4-1 8.5.1 1.1-.3 4.7-.9 8-1.4 8.6-1.9 18.5-2.5 49.5-.4 22.3-.2 29 1 35.5.9 4.4 2.3 10.2 3.3 13 2.6 7.8 11.6 25.5 15.3 30.5 1.9 2.5 6.1 8.3 9.4 13 5.9 8.5 17.8 23.5 22.2 27.8 1.3 1.3 2.3 3.3 2.3 4.5 0 1.2 2.3 10.8 5.1 21.2 2.9 10.5 5.4 20.6 5.6 22.5.3 1.9 1.1 5 1.9 6.8.9 1.8 2 6 2.6 9.2 1 5.3.9 6.4-.8 9.7-1 2.1-3.1 5.9-4.6 8.6-1.6 2.6-2.8 5.7-2.8 6.7 0 2-3 9.1-4.2 10-1.1.9-3.7 12.9-3.2 15.3.2 1.2.8 3.1 1.3 4.2s2.3 4.9 3.9 8.5c1.6 3.6 5.1 8.6 7.6 11.3 5.1 5.1 13.8 10 20.1 11.2 2.2.4 5.1 1 6.5 1.3 3.8.8 18.9.5 24.5-.6 12.9-2.6 19.9-4.4 27.2-7.2 4.3-1.7 9.4-3.8 11.3-4.7 1.9-.9 3.7-1.7 4-1.8.3-.1 1.6-.7 3-1.2 1.4-.6 6.8-2.7 12-4.7 10.5-4 18.3-7.7 18.8-8.9.2-.4.8-.7 1.3-.7s2.9-1.8 5.1-4c2.3-2.2 5-4 6-4s1.8-.3 1.8-.8c0-.4 3.1-3.2 6.9-6.2 3.8-3 7.2-6.4 7.5-7.5.3-1.1 2.1-4.4 4.1-7.3 3.6-5.5 12.3-22.1 14.8-28.2.8-1.9 2.2-6.2 3.2-9.4 1.1-3.9 1.4-7.5 1-10.2-.3-2.5-2-6-3.9-8.6-1.8-2.4-3.1-4.8-2.9-5.5.3-.7-1.1-1.9-3-2.6-6.5-2.8-11.7-13.2-14.2-28.7-2.3-13.6-2.3-38.5-.2-49.5 1.6-8.1 5-23 6.8-29.7.9-3.5 1.1-3.7 3.5-2.8 1.4.6 3.8 1 5.3 1 3.9 0 9.2-2.3 11.7-5.2 2.7-3.1 8.5-12.3 10.7-17.3 1.1-2.2 2.8-7.1 3.8-10.8 1.1-3.8 3.5-10 5.5-13.8 1.9-3.9 4.4-9.8 5.4-13.2 1.2-3.6 2-9.1 2-13.1 0-9.4-2.5-19.4-5.9-22.9-2.3-2.6-3.1-2.8-7.2-2.4-2.5.3-6.2 1.5-8.2 2.7-2 1.2-3.7 1.9-3.7 1.5 0-1.1-8.6 7.8-9.8 10.1-.5 1.1-1.3 4.7-1.7 8.1-.4 3.8-1.2 6.4-2.1 6.7-.7.3-1.6.1-1.9-.4-.4-.6-.1-1 .5-1s.8-.5.4-1.1c-1.2-2-2.6-8.3-3.4-15.4-.4-3.9-1.3-12.9-1.9-20-1.6-17.8-3-26.3-4.7-28-.8-.7-1.4-2-1.4-2.8 0-.7-.3-1.7-.7-2.1-.9-.8-1.2-2.6-1.7-9.6-.9-10.2-.9-13.6-.4-14.5.3-.6.4-2.4.1-4-1.1-7.1-1.1-8.4.1- 1-1.2.4-6.3-1.4-11.1-1.9-16.6-1.9-19.3.1-3.2-2.8-11-4-11-.5 0-.9-.9-.9-2s-.4-2-.9-2c-.6 0-2-1.8-3.2-4-1.2-2.2-3.1-4.2-4-4.5-1-.3-2.1-1.4-2.4-2.4-.6-1.9-6.5-5.1-9.5-5.1-1 0-2.2-.5-2.5-1-.3-.6-1.5-1-2.6-1s-2.6-.6-3.4-1.3c-.9-.9-2.9-1.2-6.8-.7-3.1.3-5.4.3-5.2-.1.4-.6-3.1-.7-7.5-.1zm16.9 83.9c1 1.2 3 2.7 4.3 3.4 1.4.6 4.2 3.1 6.2 5.4 2 2.4 3.6 4.7 3.6 5 0 .4-.7.5-1.5.2-.8-.4-1.7-.2-2 .3-.3.5-2.6 0-5.1-1.1-4.8-2.2-7.2-2.8-11.7-3.4-2.1-.2-2.6 0-1.8.8 2 2 1.1 3-2.1 2.3-6.6-1.4-7.4-1.6-13.3-2-4.9-.3-6.5 0-8.9 1.7-1.6 1.2-2.6 1.6-2.2.9 1.1-1.9-5.9-1.5-7.5.4-.7.8-2 1.3-3 1.1-.9-.3-2.3-.1-3 .4-.7.4-2.1.3-3-.2-1.2-.6-2-.5-2.5.2-.4.7-1 .7-1.6.1-.6-.6-2.2-.7-4.1-.1-2.4.7-3.3.5-4-.6-.4-.9-1.3-1.2-1.9-.9-.8.5-.9.1-.5-1.1.4-.9.2-2.4-.4-3.2-.9-1-.9-2-.1-3.8.6-1.3 2.3-3.2 3.8-4.2 2.2-1.4 4.5-1.7 11.8-1.5 6.2.2 10.4-.2 13.1-1.2 2.9-1 8.2-1.4 19.8-1.3 15.2.1 15.9.2 17.6 2.4zm-20.2 38.5c4.2.7 7.6 2 10.3 3.9 4.1 3 4.1 3 1.1 5.4-1.6 1.4-3.7 2.5-4.7 2.5-1.1 0-2.8.7-3.8 1.5-2.6 2-12.2 1.9-16 0-1.5-.8-3.9-1.5-5.1-1.5-2.5 0-4.8-1.8-6.6-5.2-1-1.8-.8-2.4 1.2-3.9 1.3-1 3.1-1.9 3.9-1.9.8 0 2.4-.7 3.5-1.6 2.1-1.5 2.3-1.5 16.2.8zm-107.9-.2c2.5 0 3.5.5 3.9 1.9.2 1 1.5 2.3 2.8 2.9 2.9 1.3 4.3 5.1 2.4 6.3-.8.5-2.2.9-3.1.9-1 0-1.8.4-1.8 1 0 1.6-4.1 3.2-9.4 3.5-2.8.2-5.7-.2-6.3-.7-.7-.6-2-.7-2.9-.4-2.2.8-6.5-1.1-8.6-3.9-1.4-1.8-1.5-3-.7-5.7.8-3.2 1.4-3.6 7.2-5.1 3.4-.9 7.8-1.4 9.7-1.2 1.9.3 5 .5 6.8.5zM320 657.5c1.4.9 7.1 1.5 6.6.7-.2-.4 4.9-.7 11.5-.7 6.5 0 11.9.2 11.9.5 0 .4 3.5 1.4 7.8 2.4 4.2.9 9.1 2.1 10.7 2.6 1.7.5 5.7 1.4 9 2 3.3.7 7.6 2.1 9.6 3.1s4.8 1.9 6.3 1.9c1.8 0 2.4.4 2 1.5-.4.8-1.6 1.5-2.8 1.5-2.2 0-7.7 3.2-7.9 4.6-.1.5-1.2 1.9-2.6 3.1-1.3 1.3-3.3 2.3-4.3 2.3-1.1 0-3.4.7-5.1 1.6-1.8.9-3.9 2-4.7 2.3-1.3.5-17.6.6-36.5.1-2.7-.1-8 0-11.7.1-5.1.2-7.3-.2-9.5-1.6-1.5-1.1-3.4-1.8-4.2-1.7-.7.2-1-.1-.6-.7.3-.6-.1-1.1-.9-1.1s-2-1-2.7-2.1c-.7-1.5-.8-1.9 0- 0-2.2-1.5-3.9-3.2-1.6-1.8-2.9-2.9-2.9-2.5 0 .4-.6.2-1.4-.5-.8-.7-1.2-1.6-.9-2.1.2-.4 1.6-.7 3-.7 1.5 0 3.6-.9 4.8-2 1.1-1.1 3.1-2.1 4.3-2.3 1.2-.2 2.5-.6 2.8-1 .4-.4 1.4-.7 2.1-.7.8 0 2.5-1.1 3.8-2.4 2.3-2.3 4.9-2.7 7.5-1.1z'

new svgPathProperties(d).getTotalLength()

Results in Error: Malformed path data: "a" must have 7 elements and has 6: a6.69 6.69 0 01-5.1 1.6.

Apparently it is valid SVG, it is rendered by Chrome.

If I change the validation, it works:

-  a: 7,
+  a: 6,

I'll send a PR for it.

JonnyBurger added a commit to JonnyBurger/svg-path-properties that referenced this issue Nov 8, 2020
@rveciana rveciana closed this as completed Dec 2, 2020
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kyelewis commented Jun 22, 2021

I've just come across this, the issue seems to be that some svg generators assume that boolean flags need no separators between values.

In the above example:
a6.69 6.69 0 01-5.1 1.6.

is equivalent to a6.69 6.69 0 0,1-5.1 1.6.

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Do you think it's worth accepting this strange a version?

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kyelewis commented Jun 22, 2021

The cause in our case i've determined to be SVGO.

SVGO feels that it is a correct interpretation of the specs - see svg/svgo#1137

I'm happy enough working around it given that i know what's causing it now, but if svg-path-properties is implementing SVG 1.1 then it sounds like it's part of the spec (it wasn't in SVG 1.0).

    nonnegative-number comma-wsp? nonnegative-number comma-wsp? 
        number comma-wsp flag comma-wsp? flag comma-wsp? coordinate-pair

Our path to coming across this issue was using svgr to convert svg to tsx for react / react-native- when importing them in to react-native-svg-animations, we get this error (because it uses svg-path-properties under the hood).

It looks like a pretty decent amount of work to the parser though for a somewhat specific, workaroundable scenario, so I wouldn't blame you for not making a change here (i also don't think i'd have time to write a PR for this either).

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