SwiftQuiz is a package for making and playing quizzes using Swift. An example client is the quiz shell, QSH, an interactive shell for quizzing using the macOS Terminal.
This package is considered work in progress until reaching version 1.0.0.
- Questions, Rounds & Games
- Supported question types
- Picture rounds
- Encryption
- Marking
- Manual marking
- Automatic marking
- Slack
- Decryption
- Callbacks
- Combine
- Marking (events)
- AnimatedGradientView - Powerful gradient animations made simple for iOS.
AnimatedGradientView |
- Cheats - Retro cheat codes for modern iOS apps.
- Connectivity - Improves on Reachability for determining Internet connectivity in your iOS application.
- FeatureFlags - Allows developers to configure feature flags, run multiple A/B or MVT tests using a bundled / remotely-hosted JSON configuration file.
- FlexibleRowHeightGridLayout - A UICollectionView grid layout designed to support Dynamic Type by allowing the height of each row to size to fit content.
- Hyperconnectivity - Modern replacement for Apple's Reachability written in Swift and made elegant using Combine. An offshoot of the Connectivity framework.
- Skylark - Fully Swift BDD testing framework for writing Cucumber scenarios using Gherkin syntax.
- TailorSwift - A collection of useful Swift Core Library / Foundation framework extensions.
- TypographyKit - Consistent & accessible visual styling on iOS with Dynamic Type support.
- Updates - Automatically detects app updates and gently prompts users to update.
Cheats | Connectivity | FeatureFlags | Hyperconnectivity | Skylark | TypographyKit | Updates |
- Clear DerivedData - Utility to quickly clear your DerivedData directory simply by typing
from the Terminal. - Config Validator - Config Validator validates & uploads your configuration files and cache clears your CDN as part of your CI process.
- IPA Uploader - Uploads your apps to TestFlight & App Store.
- Palette - Makes your TypographyKit color palette available in Xcode Interface Builder.
Config Validator | IPA Uploader | Palette |