A home bridge plugin for Sony Bravia TVs based on Android TV. Currently it supports powering on and off TVs using a preshared key.
- Install homebridge using: npm install -g homebridge
- Install this plugin using: npm install -g homebridge-sonybraviatv
- Update your configuration file. See below for a sample.
- Set "Remote start" to ON in your Android TV Settings->Network->Remote Start
- Change "Authentication" to "Normal and Pre-Shared Key" in your Android Settings->Network->IP Control->Authentication
- Enter a "Pre-Shared Key" in your Android TV Settings->Network->IP control->Pre-Shared Key
Enter the IP address of your television in the ipaddress field. On your TV go to Settings->Network->Home network->IP Control. Change Authentication to "Normal and Pre-Shared Key". Enter something for the Pre-Shared Key. Put that same string in the presharedkey field. If your TV requires Wake-on-Lan to power-on, enter your TV MAC address in the macaddress field.
Configuration sample:
"accessories": [
"accessory": "SonyBraviaTV",
"name": "My TV Name",
"ipaddress": "YOUR TV IP ADDRESS HERE",
"presharedkey": "YOUR PRESHARED KEY HERE"
NOTE: Some Sony Bravia TVs require Wake-on-Lan to power on. If your TV is one of these, then you will need to add the macaddress field to your configuration as shown below.
"accessories": [
"accessory": "SonyBraviaTV",
"name": "My TV Name",
"macaddress": "01:02:03:04:05:06",
"ipaddress": "YOUR TV IP ADDRESS HERE",
"presharedkey": "YOUR PRESHARED KEY HERE"
NOTE: If you wish to use the state of your TV as a trigger for automation, the plugin must regularly update it. To achieve this, polling must be enabled.
"accessories": [
"accessory": "SonyBraviaTV",
"name": "My TV Name",
"macaddress": "01:02:03:04:05:06",
"ipaddress": "YOUR TV IP ADDRESS HERE",
"presharedkey": "YOUR PRESHARED KEY HERE",
"polling": true,
"interval": 1