GDL (Go Discord Library) provides a wrapper around the Discord API with additional helper functions to make life easier for developers.
GDL keeps in mind the main principles of the Go programming language:
Simple and easy to learn.
Most methods and properties are named directly after what the Discord API names them.
Note: GDL uses Go modules. Run go mod init
to initialise your go.mod file.
Go modules require Go v1.11 or higher
To install GDL, run go get
From the following example, you should be able to work out the gist of a basic bot:
package main
import (
func main() {
shardOptions := gateway.ShardOptions{
ShardCount: gateway.ShardCount{
Total: 1,
Lowest: 0, // Inclusive
Highest: 1, // Exclusive
RateLimitStore: ratelimit.NewMemoryStore(), // ratelimit.NewRedisStore() is also available
// We can choose exactly what we want to cache. Remember the zero value of a bool is false!
CacheFactory: cache.MemoryCacheFactory(cache.CacheOptions{
Guilds: true,
Users: true,
Members: true,
Channels: true,
Roles: true,
Emojis: true,
VoiceStates: true,
GuildSubscriptions: false,
Presence: user.BuildStatus(user.ActivityTypePlaying, "DM for help | t!help"), // Set the status of the bot
token := ""
sm := gateway.NewShardManager(token, shardOptions)
// Example listener that will just echo back any messages sent
func echoListener(s *gateway.Shard, e *events.MessageCreate) {
_, _ = s.CreateMessage(e.ChannelId, e.Content)
Other examples are available in the examples package
View the following package for a list of events: gateway/payloads/events
Gateway events are also available to listen on: gateway/payloads
GDL comes with a built-in command handler, however, feel free to build your own.
sm := gateway.NewShardManager(token, shardOptions)
ch := command.NewCommandHandler(sm, "!", "-") // register a new command handler with the prefixes ! and -
// create a new "hello" command, with no aliases
myCommand := command.NewCommand("hello", nil, func(ctx command.CommandContext) {
_, _ = ctx.Shard.CreateMessage(ctx.ChannelId, fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s!", ctx.Author.Username))
// create a subcommand (i.e. when the user runs !hello world), with an alias of "alias" (so !hello alias)
myCommand.RegisterSubCommand(command.NewCommand("world", []string{"alias"}, func(ctx command.CommandContext) {
_ = ctx.Shard.CreateReaction(ctx.ChannelId, ctx.Message.Id, "๐")
// register our hello command
// subcommands do not need to be registered on the command handler
Take a look at the examples package for more usage examples (also feel free to contribute some!).
GDL currently offers 3 caches, however, you are free to develop your own:
The PostgreSQL cache offers the best performance and scalability, as well as multi-instance support. So therefore, it is recommended that you use it if you have access to a PostgreSQL server.
GDL uses the PGX library for accessing PostgreSQL. You are responsible for making a pgx.DB instance and passing it to GDL.
db, err := pgxpool.Connect(context.Background(), "postgres://user:pwd@localhost/database?pool_max_conns=2")
if err != nil {
c := cache.PgCacheFactory(db, cache.CacheOptions{
Guilds: true,
Users: true,
Members: true,
Channels: true,
Roles: true,
Emojis: true,
VoiceStates: true,
shardOptions := gateway.ShardOptions{
CacheFactory: c,
If you do not have access to a PostgreSQL database, GDL offers a simple in-memory cache.
It has been tested to show ~450MB memory usage when caching:
- 10k guilds
- 75k channels
- 56k roles
- 18k emojis
- 1.6k members
c := cache.MemoryCacheFactory(cache.CacheOptions{
Guilds: true,
Users: true,
Members: true,
Channels: true,
Roles: true,
Emojis: true,
VoiceStates: true,
shardOptions := gateway.ShardOptions{
CacheFactory: c,
Bolt is a high performance flat-file key-value store. GDL offers Bolt integration, as bots can benefit from a persistent cache, however, using the in-memory cache is recommended if you do not require this functionality due to better storage efficiency (albeit in memory, rather than on disk), as the Bolt cache implementation encodes to JSON, and better performance.
c := cache.BoltCacheFactory(cache.CacheOptions{
Guilds: true,
Users: true,
Members: true,
Channels: true,
Roles: true,
Emojis: true,
VoiceStates: true,
}, cache.BoltOptions{
ClearOnRestart: false, // Should we clear the cache on start-up? (Do not use on WSL)
Path: "bolt.db",
FileMode: 600,
Options: nil, // Additional bolt options
shardOptions := gateway.ShardOptions{
CacheFactory: c,
When calling a REST API method, Discord may send an error response. You can tell what kind of error has occurred through
calling errors.Is
and comparing the error to one of GDL's error types.
More generally, GDL wraps common errors, such as 404, 403 in either a ClientError or ServerError type. You can then run
and request.IsClientError(err)
to determine whether an error is a ClientError or
If an error that GDl does not provide a wrapper for occurs (it provides wrappers for all response codes that I have
seen Discord return), an ErrUnknown
will be returned, and full details will be logged. In this case, you should open
an issue so that I can create the required error wrapper (or PR it!).
The benefit of this is that you are able to do things like this:
ch, err := s.CreateGuildChannel(guildId, data)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, request.ErrForbidden) {
_, _ = s.CreateMessage(e.ChannelId, "I do not have permission to create channels!")
Note: However, in this case it is recommended to use GDL's permission calculator to determine whether your bot has the required permissions for an action, rather than sending a request to Discord that is guaranteed to fail, as sending 10000 requests in 10 minutes that fail with a 401, 403 or 429 will ban your token from the API for an entire hour.
The library that GDL uses for compression requires the C zlib library to be installed. You can install it by:
- Ubuntu:
# apt-get install zlib1g-dev
- CentOS:
# yum install zlib-devel
This is a known issue with WSL. Luckily, it only happens on the first run, so you can use Bolt with WSL if you set ClearOnRestart to false.