An example of native ios swift videoplayer on top of a flutter app using the Platform messaging API.
Using a PlatformMethodChannel, the Flutter app can call methods from the platform "context" (iOS, Android,...)
const PlatformMethodChannel videoChannel =
const PlatformMethodChannel("video", const JSONMethodCodec());
// ...
String response = await config.videoChannel.invokeMethod('playVideo', kVideoUrl);
Each message will receive an async response back. Here, each message receive a json response with a status = 1 || 0 and an optional duration.
The Flutter app also listen to the native messages sended from iOS via a PlatformMessageChannel.
const PlatformMessageChannel progressChannel = const PlatformMessageChannel(
kProgressChannelName, const JSONMessageCodec());
// ...
void initState() {
config.progressChannel.setMessageHandler((message) {
setState(() {
_videoProgress = message["data"];
On iOS side, you find the corresponding channels with attached methodCall handler.
var playerChannel = FlutterMethodChannel(
name: name,
binaryMessenger: controller,
codec: FlutterJSONMethodCodec.sharedInstance())
// ...
playerChannel?.setMethodCallHandler {
(call: FlutterMethodCall?, result: FlutterResultReceiver?) -> Void in
print("Swift-> methodCallHandler \(call!.method)")
switch (call!.method) {
case "playVideo":
let res = try! self.playVideo(url: call!.arguments! as! String)
result!("{\"status\":\(res),\"info\":\"\(self.timeFormatter.string(from: self.getVideoDuration())!)\"}", nil)
case "pauseVideo":
result!("{\"status\":\(self.pauseVideo())}", nil)
case "stopVideo":
result!("{\"status\":\(self.stopVideo())}", nil)
print("Error !!! Unknown method -> \(call!.method)")
The FlutterMessageChannel offers a sendMessage() method to pass values with the "dart part" of the flutter app
var progressChannel = FlutterMessageChannel( name: name, binaryMessenger: controller,
codec: FlutterJSONMessageCodec())
// ...
self.progressChannel.sendMessage(PlayerMessage(type: 2, data: progress).toMap())
For now this example only works on iOS ( ARM64 : iPhone5S+ ), you can find an older, sketchier ObjC/Java example here, with more types of player ( activities and audio ) for Android and iOS.