$ make init TARGET=rpi3 BUILDROOT=/home/user/src/buildroot
Possible values for TARGET
: Raspberry Pi Zerorpi0w
: Raspberry Pi Zero Wrpi3
: Raspberry Pi 3
To change the buildroot configuration, execute:
$ cd /home/usr/src/buildroot
$ make menuconfig
$ make
To change the kernel configuration, execute:
$ cd /home/usr/src/buildroot
$ make linux-menuconfig
$ make
The last commands copies changes made to the kernel configuration to the minikube-iso defconfig.
To save any buildroot configuration changes made with make menuconfig
, execute:
$ cd /home/usr/src/buildroot
$ make savedefconfig
The changes will be reflected in the configs/recorder_$(TARGET)_defconfig
To save any kernel configuration changes made with make linux-menuconfig
, execute:
$ cd /home/usr/src/buildroot
$ make linux-savedefconfig
$ cp output/build/linux-xxx/defconfig \
Place a file called networks.conf
in the board directory and configure networks in WPA supplicant configuration syntax.
$ cat board/raspi/pi0w/networks.conf
Note: This file will be ignored by git and won't be checked in.