- HTS std call have stats after every step
- add more datasets because why not? (mrnaseq is looking pretty clean)
- double check adapter trimmer reduction for all file type? Library prep?
- Update htsream version
- Fix need to make for all datasets
- ask about library prep part to put in the paper.
- Add info about memory and time
- Produce a pipeline DNA, RNA, Amplicon one, SE (no super deduper for SE)
- Show algorithms do what they are supposed to do… some are straight forward.
- Experimental validation, record parameters and use them to show consistency. (MDS plot) statistic for each tool -> info about sample
- Make sure all statements applicable to nanopore/pacbio as well in regards to hts
- Use HTS stream before and after each tool (like the other ones)
- add overlapper to RNA seq methodso
- detailing applications is boring, intro some philosophy> apps and what they are meant to do.
- discussion > impac, QA/QC,
- get bam file to spit out the name fo the gene and siisoalte from the non processed file.
- add the stuff from the pages for s4hts
- Make sure all statements applicable to nanopore/pacbio as well in regards to hts?
- Executable for analyzing data in the
output directories
- More info on the relevant report.
ena/SAMPLES(from datasets.txt/phix_datasets.txt) -> runs hts_master.slurm ${type} ${datasets_file} -
python phix
OR/AND -python rna
- output in 01-HTS_preproc -
Clean up files since array doesnt match for phix and rna (whoops) create samples.txt and phix_samples.txt files and tells you array size needed for step 3$ -
STAR alignment for rna type - adjust array based on output of
-sbatch star_proc.slurm
should be run will call for each of the files to get the .json files for each alignment. - TODO: fix and see how all json file get to the output directory. - jupyter notebook analysis for this -
BWA Mem alignment for phix type (seq screener) - adjust array based on output of
-sbatch phix_proc.slurm
- TODO some thing sfor getting the flgstats stuff -
Adapter (Using some bbmap scripts -
Deduper (deduper but needed for overall methodology talk)
Primer (sampe as adapter eval?)
Overlapper (see `
X = done & = not done
- X - adaptereval (Adapter eval above)
- & # - deduper (big one!)
- X - qtrimmer (Star alignment above) (multiqc report for the effect on the reads to double check) (maybe deduper noise to$
- X - ntrimmer (same as q trimmer)
- X - polyatrim (same as n trimmer)
- X - seqscreener (BWA mem alignment)
- contains some general methods for overlapper evaluation/comparison
- TODO: update with new datasets (multiple)
- Need gold standard for this dataset or just go based on mapping like Qtrimmer and Adapter Trimmer
- contains general methods for evaluation effecienct of Ntrimmer and quality trimming.
- TODO: finalize the datasets.. dig up code again
for i in
ls SRR6048806_/; do echo $i
cat $i; done
samtools view -f 64 -F 2304 method1.bam | cut -f1,3,4 | LC_ALL=C sort -t '\t' -k1,1 > method1.txt
samtools view -f 64 -F 2304 method2.bam | cut -f1,3,4 | LC_ALL=C sort -t '\t' -k1,1 > method2.txt
join -t '\t' -1 1 -2 1 method1.txt method2.txt > R1.comparaison
forward_stranded_counts = featureCounts(bams, annot.ext = gff,
strandSpecific = 1, #Only reads where R1 is forward W.R.T. the transcript are counted
isPairedEnd = TRUE,
nthreads = 7,
useMetaFeatures = TRUE #Counts should be summarized by gene
gcounts = forward_stranded_counts$counts[, 1:ncol(forward_stranded_counts$counts)]
colnames(gcounts) = gsub('.bam', '', colnames(gcounts))
fscann = cbind(ann[match(rownames(gcounts), ann$gene), ], gcounts)
write.table(fscann, file='forward_stranded_read_counts_by_gene.tsv', sep='\t', row.names=F, col.names=T)
- gtf -> featureCounts
- htseq (bradleys project)
- run hts for phix dataset for super deduper to look at multiqc report
- should go up and flatten and curve
- check the super deduper code
- doing mapping for the rna seq workshop
- Suggestion: Post Papers to Workshop on Slack, so we can create separate threads instead of on Zulip.