An unofficial package of generic Realtek Universal Audio Driver made from parts of various OEM specific Reatek Universal Audio drivers intended to work on legacy systems lacking OEM UAD support.
Instructions for building lineageos 17.1 for the pixel 3a sargo
pharra / linux-surface
Forked from jakeday/linux-surfaceLinux Kernel for Surface Pro4 in Arch
ISP Data Pollution to Protect Private Browsing History with Obfuscation
A script to modify your Firefox preferences to disable telemetry, built-in advertisements, and data collection anti-features
Sign.jar automatically signs an apk with the Android test certificate.
🐘 🔒 KeePass-compatible browser extension for filling passwords.
Repackaging of Neil Fraser's world famous diff_match_patch as a node.js module / component
Fluid grid for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
HTML5 Prestashop tempate enhanced for SEO with Google Rich Snippets support
A responsive Prestashop theme based on Foundation 3 framework
A simple responsive theme for PrestaShop 1.5.x made with Foundation