All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.3.1 (2021-08-04)
Bug Fixes
- colors: remove useless default parameters (f78284e)
- LandingNav: add a11y role (5f9f24b)
- LandingNav: add routes props (1cb18ba)
- LandingNavLink: remove useless default props (6dd5833)
Building Work
- CI: separate lint/testing/building work (b8e15b5)
- scripts: concurrent watching gatsby and jest (6648118)
- test: add jest ignore patterns (675a218)
- colors: complete
testing (0567e79) - colors: export ColorPalette for testing (9cd7d49)
- LandingNav: complete LandingNav testing (40f41db)
- SocialButton: complete all social buttons testing (479900b), closes #64
- SocialButton: cover colorful button testing (812f5e6)
- SocialButton: format code (62ee4fb)
- SocialButton: format code (ab9c2ab)
- SocialButton: pretty testing ouput (9ee87b1)