Boilerplate CLI App - Create a new project powered by Create React App, @sabertazimi/react-scripts and bod template.
Documentation | Bod Template | Webpack Template
# Global installation
npm install -g bod
# Local installation
npm install -D bod
bod create <appName>
bod info
Usage: bod <command> [options]
-v, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
create|c <appName> Create a new project powered by @sabertazimi/react-scripts
info|i Print debugging information about your environment
help [command] display help for command
ℹ Run bod <command> --help for detailed usage of given command.
More details on package bod.
The official React template for Bod CLI.
This template is shipped with Bod CLI out of box:
# Select option `React Framework`
bod create my-app
Or use with Create React App:
npm create react-app my-app --template bod --scripts-version @sabertazimi/react-scripts
More available scripts on package cra-template-bod.
You can custom bod template by clone this monorepo (with package @sabertazimi/react-scripts).
git clone --depth=1
cd bod
npm i
npm run start:template
will set local package cra-template-bod
to default React template,
and start a webpack-dev-server
on port 3000
Contributions are greatly appreciated. Please fork this repository and open a pull request.