Prometheus exporter for SakuraCloud metrics.
Download the already existing binaries for your platform:
$ ./sakuracloud_exporter <flags>
If you want to use sakuracloud_exporter with systemd, see systemd examples.
Using the standard go install
(you must have [Go][golang] already installed in your local machine):
$ go install
$ sakuracloud_exporter <flags>
To run the SakuraCloud exporter as a Docker container, run:
Flag / Environment Variable | Required | Default | Description |
â—Ż | API Key(Token) | |
â—Ż | API Key(Secret) | |
5 |
API request rate limit(maximum:10) | |
--webaddr / WEB_ADDR |
:9542 |
Exporter's listen address | |
--webpath / WEB_PATH |
/metrics |
Metrics request path | | |
false |
Disable the AutoBackup collector | |
--no-collector.bill |
false |
Disable the Bill collector | | |
false |
Disable the Coupon collector | |
--no-collector.database |
false |
Disable the Database collector | |
--no-collector.esme |
false |
Disable the ESME collector | |
--no-collector.internet |
false |
Disable the Internet(Switch+Router) collector | |
--no-collector.load-balancer |
false |
Disable the LoadBalancer collector | |
--no-collector.local-router |
false |
Disable the LocalRouter collector | | |
false |
Disable the MobileGateway collector | |
--no-collector.nfs |
false |
Disable the NFS collector | |
--no-collector.proxy-lb |
false |
Disable the ProxyLB(Enhanced LoadBalancer) collector | |
--no-collector.server |
false |
Disable the Server collector | |
--no-collector.server.except-maintenance |
false |
Disable the Server collector except for maintenance information | |
--no-collector.sim |
false |
Disable the SIM collector | |
--no-collector.vpc-router |
false |
Disable the VPCRouter collector | | |
false |
Disable the Zone collector | |
--no-collector.webaccel |
false |
Disable the WebAccel collector |
Flag / Environment Variable | Required | Default | Description |
--fake-mode / FAKE_MODE |
The file path of fake store. If set this, make enabled to fake-store-mode(powered by libsacloud's fake driver) |
Example fake store file(JSON) is here[examples/fake/generate-fake-store-json/example-fake-store.json].
The exporter returns the following metrics:
Resource Type | Metric Name Prefix |
AutoBackup | sakuracloud_auto_backup_* |
Bill | sakuracloud_bill_* |
Coupon | sakuracloud_coupon_* |
Database | sakuracloud_database_* |
ESME | sakuracloud_esme_* |
Switch+Router | sakuracloud_internet_* |
LoadBalancer | sakuracloud_loadbalancer_* |
LocalRouter | sakuracloud_local_router_* |
MobileGateway | sakuracloud_mobile_gateway_* |
NFS | sakuracloud_nfs_* |
ProxyLB | sakuracloud_proxylb_* |
Server | sakuracloud_server_* |
SIM | sakuracloud_sim_* |
VPCRouter | sakuracloud_vpc_router_* |
Zone | sakuracloud_zone_* |
WebAccel | webaccel_* |
Exporter | sakuracloud_exporter_* |
Metric | Description | Labels |
sakuracloud_auto_backup_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by auto_backup information | id , name , disk_id , max_backup_num , weekdays , tags , descriptions |
sakuracloud_auto_backup_count | A count of archives created by AutoBackup | id , name , disk_id |
sakuracloud_auto_backup_last_time | Last backup time in seconds since epoch (1970) | id , name , disk_id |
sakuracloud_auto_backup_archive_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by backuped archive information | id , name , disk_id , archive_id , archive_name , archive_tags , archive_description |
Metric | Description | Labels |
sakuracloud_bill_amount | Amount billed for the month | member_id |
This value is updated only once per day. Please ensure the interval is not set too short to avoid unnecessary processing.
Metric | Description | Labels |
sakuracloud_coupon_discount | The balance of coupon | id , member_id , contract_id |
sakuracloud_coupon_remaining_days | The count of coupon's remaining days | id , member_id , contract_id |
sakuracloud_coupon_exp_date | Coupon expiration date in seconds since epoch (1970) | id , member_id , contract_id |
sakuracloud_coupon_usable | 1 if coupon is usable | id , member_id , contract_id |
This value is updated only once per day. Please ensure the interval is not set too short to avoid unnecessary processing.
Metric | Description | Labels |
sakuracloud_database_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by database information | id , name , zone , plan , host , database_type , database_revision , database_version , web_ui , replication_enabled , replication_role , tags , description |
sakuracloud_database_up | If 1 the database is up and running, 0 otherwise | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_database_cpu_time | Database's CPU time(unit:ms) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_database_memory_used | Database's used memory size(unit:GB) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_database_memory_total | Database's total memory size(unit:GB) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_database_nic_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by nic information | id , name , zone , upstream_type , upstream_id , upstream_name , ipaddress , nw_mask_len , gateway |
sakuracloud_database_nic_receive | NIC's receive bytes(unit: Kbps) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_database_nic_send | NIC's send bytes(unit: Kbps) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_database_disk_system_used | Database's used system-disk size(unit:GB) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_database_disk_system_total | Database's total system-disk size(unit:GB) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_database_disk_backup_used | Database's used backup-disk size(unit:GB) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_database_disk_backup_total | Database's total backup-disk size(unit:GB) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_database_binlog_used | Database's used binlog size(unit:GB) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_database_disk_read | Disk's read bytes(unit: KBps) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_database_disk_write | Disk's write bytes(unit: KBps) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_database_replication_delay | Replication delay time(unit:second) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_database_maintenance_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by maintenance information | id , name , zone , info_url , info_title , description , start_date , end_date |
sakuracloud_database_maintenance_scheduled | If 1 the database has scheduled maintenance info, 0 otherwise | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_database_maintenance_start | Scheduled maintenance start time in seconds since epoch (1970) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_database_maintenance_end | Scheduled maintenance end time in seconds since epoch (1970) | id , name , zone |
Metric | Description | Labels |
sakuracloud_esme_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by ESME information | id , name , tags , description |
sakuracloud_esme_message_count | A count of messages handled by ESME | id , name , status |
Metric | Description | Labels |
sakuracloud_internet_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by internet information | id , name , zone , switch_id , bandwidth , tags , description |
sakuracloud_internet_receive | Total receive bytes(unit: Kbps) | id , name , zone , switch_id |
sakuracloud_internet_send | Total send bytes(unit: Kbps) | id , name , zone , switch_id |
Metric | Description | Labels |
sakuracloud_loadbalancer_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by loadbalancer information | id , name , zone , plan , ha , vrid , ipaddress1 , ipaddress2 , gateway , nw_mask_len , tags , description |
sakuracloud_loadbalancer_up | If 1 the loadbalancer is up and running, 0 otherwise | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_loadbalancer_receive | Loadbalancer's receive bytes(unit: Kbps) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_loadbalancer_send | Loadbalancer's receive bytes(unit: Kbps) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_loadbalancer_vip_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeld by vip information | id , name , zone , vip_index , vip , port , interval , sorry_server , description |
sakuracloud_loadbalancer_vip_cps | Connection count per second | id , name , zone , vip_index , vip |
sakuracloud_loadbalancer_server_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeld by real-server information | id , name , zone , vip_index , vip , server_index , ipaddress ,monitor , path , response_code |
sakuracloud_loadbalancer_server_up | If 1 the server is up and running, 0 otherwise | id , name , zone , vip_index , vip , server_index , ipaddress |
sakuracloud_loadbalancer_server_connection | Current connection count | id , name , zone , vip_index , vip , server_index , ipaddress |
sakuracloud_loadbalancer_server_cps | Connection count per second | id , name , zone , vip_index , vip , server_index , ipaddress |
sakuracloud_loadbalancer_maintenance_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by maintenance information | id , name , zone , info_url , info_title , description , start_date , end_date |
sakuracloud_loadbalancer_maintenance_scheduled | If 1 the loadbalancer has scheduled maintenance info, 0 otherwise | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_loadbalancer_maintenance_start | Scheduled maintenance start time in seconds since epoch (1970) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_loadbalancer_maintenance_end | Scheduled maintenance end time in seconds since epoch (1970) | id , name , zone |
Metric | Description | Labels |
sakuracloud_local_router_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by localRouter information | id , name , tags , description |
sakuracloud_local_router_up | If 1 the localRouter is up and running, 0 otherwise | id , name |
sakuracloud_local_router_switch_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by localRouter connected switch information | id , name , category , code , zone_id |
sakuracloud_local_router_network_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by network information of the localRouter | id , name , vip , ipaddress1 , ipaddress2 , nw_mask_len , vrid |
sakuracloud_local_router_static_route_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by static route information | id , name , route_index , prefix , next_hop |
sakuracloud_local_router_peer_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by peer information | id , name , peer_index , peer_id , enabled , description |
sakuracloud_local_router_peer_up | If 1 the Peer is available, 0 otherwise | id , name , peer_index , peer_id |
sakuracloud_local_router_receive_per_sec | Receive bytes per seconds | id , name |
sakuracloud_local_router_send_per_sec | Send bytes per seconds | id , name |
Metric | Description | Labels |
sakuracloud_mobile_gateway_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by mobile_gateway information | id , name , zone , internet_connection , inter_device_communication , tags , description |
sakuracloud_mobile_gateway_up | If 1 the mobile_gateway is up and running, 0 otherwise | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_mobile_gateway_nic_receive | MobileGateway's receive bytes(unit: Kbps) | id , name , zone , nic_index , ipaddress , nw_mask_len |
sakuracloud_mobile_gateway_nic_send | MobileGateway's send bytes(unit: Kbps) | id , name , zone , nic_index , ipaddress , nw_mask_len |
sakuracloud_mobile_gateway_traffic_control_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by traffic-control information | id , name , zone , traffic_quota_in_mb , bandwidth_limit_in_kbps , enable_email , enable_slack , slack_url , auto_traffic_shaping |
sakuracloud_mobile_gateway_traffic_uplink | MobileGateway's uplink bytes(unit: KB) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_mobile_gateway_traffic_downlink | MobileGateway's downlink bytes(unit: KB) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_mobile_gateway_traffic_shaping | If 1 the traffic is shaped, 0 otherwise | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_mobile_gateway_maintenance_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by maintenance information | id , name , zone , info_url , info_title , description , start_date , end_date |
sakuracloud_mobile_gateway_maintenance_scheduled | If 1 the mobile_gateway has scheduled maintenance info, 0 otherwise | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_mobile_gateway_maintenance_start | Scheduled maintenance start time in seconds since epoch (1970) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_mobile_gateway_maintenance_end | Scheduled maintenance end time in seconds since epoch (1970) | id , name , zone |
Metric | Description | Labels |
sakuracloud_nfs_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by nfs information | id , name , zone , plan , size , host , tags , description |
sakuracloud_nfs_up | If 1 the nfs is up and running, 0 otherwise | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_nfs_free_disk_size | NFS's Free Disk Size(unit: GB) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_nfs_nic_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by nic information | id , name , zone , upstream_id , upstream_name , ipaddress , nw_mask_len , gateway |
sakuracloud_nfs_receive | NIC's receive bytes(unit: Kbps) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_nfs_send | NIC's send bytes(unit: Kbps) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_nfs_maintenance_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by maintenance information | id , name , zone , info_url , info_title , description , start_date , end_date |
sakuracloud_nfs_maintenance_scheduled | If 1 the nfs has scheduled maintenance info, 0 otherwise | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_nfs_maintenance_start | Scheduled maintenance start time in seconds since epoch (1970) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_nfs_maintenance_end | Scheduled maintenance end time in seconds since epoch (1970) | id , name , zone |
Metric | Description | Labels |
sakuracloud_server_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by server information | id , name , zone , cpus , disks , nics , memories , host , tags , description , private_host_id |
sakuracloud_server_up | If 1 the server is up and running, 0 otherwise | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_server_cpus | Number of server's vCPU cores | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_server_cpu_time | Server's CPU time(unit: ms) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_server_memories | Size of server's memories(unit: GB) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_server_disk_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by disk information | id , name , zone , disk_id , disk_name , index , plan , interface , size , tags , description , storage_id , storage_class , storage_generation |
sakuracloud_server_disk_read | Disk's read bytes(unit: KBps) | id , name , zone , disk_id , disk_name , index |
sakuracloud_server_disk_write | Disk's write bytes(unit: KBps) | id , name , zone , disk_id , disk_name , index |
sakuracloud_server_nic_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by nic information | id , name , zone , interface_id , index , upstream_type , upstream_id , upstream_name |
sakuracloud_server_nic_bandwidth | NIC's Bandwidth(unit: Mbps) | id , name , zone , interface_id , index |
sakuracloud_server_nic_receive | NIC's receive bytes(unit: Kbps) | id , name , zone , interface_id , index |
sakuracloud_server_nic_send | NIC's send bytes(unit: Kbps) | id , name , zone , interface_id , index |
sakuracloud_server_maintenance_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by maintenance information | id , name , zone , info_url , info_title , description , start_date , end_date |
sakuracloud_server_maintenance_scheduled | If 1 the server has scheduled maintenance info, 0 otherwise | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_server_maintenance_start | Scheduled maintenance start time in seconds since epoch (1970) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_server_maintenance_end | Scheduled maintenance end time in seconds since epoch (1970) | id , name , zone |
Metric | Description | Labels |
sakuracloud_proxylb_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by proxyLB information | plan , vip , fqdn , proxy_networks , sorry_server_ipaddress , sorry_server_port , tags , description |
sakuracloud_proxylb_up | If 1 the ProxyLB is available, 0 otherwise | id , name |
sakuracloud_proxylb_bind_port_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by BindPort information | id , name , bind_port_index , proxy_mode , port |
sakuracloud_proxylb_server_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by real-server information | id , name , server_index , ipaddress , port , enabled |
sakuracloud_proxylb_cert_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by certificate information | id , name , cert_index , common_name , issuer_name |
sakuracloud_proxylb_cert_expire | Certificate expiration date in seconds since epoch (1970) | id , name , cert_index |
sakuracloud_proxylb_active_connections | Active connection count | id , name |
sakuracloud_proxylb_connection_per_sec | Connection count per second | id , name |
Metric | Description | Labels |
sakuracloud_sim_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by sim information | id , name , imei_lock , registered_date , activated_date , deactivated_date , ipaddress , simgroup_id , carriers , tags , description |
sakuracloud_sim_session_up | If 1 the session is up and running, 0 otherwise | id , name |
sakuracloud_sim_uplink | Uplink traffic (unit: Kbps) | id , name |
sakuracloud_sim_downlink | Downlink traffic (unit: Kbps) | id , name |
Metric | Description | Labels |
sakuracloud_vpc_router_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by vpc_router information | id , name , zone , plan , ha , vrid , vip , ipaddress1 , ipaddress2 , nw_mask_len , internet_connection , tags , description |
sakuracloud_vpc_router_up | If 1 the vpc_router is up and running, 0 otherwise | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_vpc_router_cpu_time | VPCRouter's CPU time(unit: ms) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_vpc_router_session | Current session count | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_vpc_router_dhcp_lease | Current DHCPServer lease count | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_vpc_router_l2tp_session | Current L2TP-IPsec session count | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_vpc_router_pptp_session | Current PPTP session count | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_vpc_router_s2s_peer_up | If 1 the vpc_router's site to site peer is up, 0 otherwise | id , name , zone , peer_address , peer_index |
sakuracloud_vpc_router_session_analysis | Session statistics for VPC routers | id , name , zone , type , label |
sakuracloud_vpc_router_receive | VPCRouter's receive bytes(unit: Kbps) | id , name , zone , nic_index , vip , ipaddress1 , ipaddress2 , nw_mask_len |
sakuracloud_vpc_router_send | VPCRouter's receive bytes(unit: Kbps) | id , name , zone , nic_index , vip , ipaddress1 , ipaddress2 , nw_mask_len |
sakuracloud_vpc_router_maintenance_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by maintenance information | id , name , zone , info_url , info_title , description , start_date , end_date |
sakuracloud_vpc_router_maintenance_scheduled | If 1 the vpc_router has scheduled maintenance info, 0 otherwise | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_vpc_router_maintenance_start | Scheduled maintenance start time in seconds since epoch (1970) | id , name , zone |
sakuracloud_vpc_router_maintenance_end | Scheduled maintenance end time in seconds since epoch (1970) | id , name , zone |
Metric | Description | Labels |
sakuracloud_zone_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by zone information | id , name , description , region_id , region_name |
Metric | Description | Labels |
webaccel_site_info | A metric with a constant '1' value | id , name , domain_type , domain , subdomain |
webaccel_access_count | Access count | id |
webaccel_bytes_sent | Bytes sent | id |
webaccel_cache_miss_bytes_sent | Cache miss bytes sent | id |
webaccel_cache_hit_ratio | Cache hit ratio | id |
webaccel_bytes_cache_hit_ratio | Bytes cache hit ratio | id |
webaccel_price | Price | id |
webaccel_cert_expire | Certificate expiration date in seconds since epoch (1970) | id |
Metric | Description | Labels |
sakuracloud_exporter_start_time | Unix timestamp of the start time | - |
sakuracloud_exporter_build_info | A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by exporter's build information | version , revision , goversion |
sakuracloud_exporter_errors_total | The total number of errors per collector | collector |
Copyright (C) 2019-2025 sakuracloud_exporter authors.
This project is published under Apache 2.0 License.