A little plugin to help you testing your Active Admin formastic forms easily when you are using FactoryGirl.
FactoryGirl does not provide nested attributes when we do ‘FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:factory_name)`but when we are testing controller in active admin formastic form, usually we will need those nested attributes, which we usually do by hard coding post request which is very tiring. So in this plugin we have tried to solve this problem. Using this plugin you can get nested attributes just like (active admin) formastic form from your factory.
You can read more details at “Usage with active admin” section
gem 'nested_attr'
require 'nested_attr' attr = NestedAttr.nested_attr_for(:post_factory) # { # categories_ids: [1,2,3], # f.inputs :categories # tags: [ {name: "tech"} ] # f.has_many :tags # } post :create, user: attr
Suppose you have a blog and you have these factories:
FactoryGirl.define do factory :admin_user, :class => AdminUser do sequence(:email){|n| "email#{n}@example.com"} password "password" password_confirmation "password" end factory :post, class: Post do user title "this is a title" body "this is a huge body" after :build do |p| p.categories << create(:category) end end factory :category, class: Category do sequence :name do |n| "category#{n}" end end end
You have active admin installed at your rails app. At the form of your active admin you have following:
ActiveAdmin.register Post do permit_params :post form do |f| f.inputs :title, :body f.inputs :categories f.has_many :tags do |t| t.input :name end f.actions end end
Now you want to test your controller using rspec. How? Very simple. Like this:
include Devise::TestHelpers RSpec.describe Admin::PostsController, :type => :controller do before(:each) do @user = FactoryGirl.create(:admin_user) sign_in @user end describe "Create" do it "creates post" do expect{post :create, post: NestedAttr.nested_attr_for(:post, has_many=[:tags])}.to change{Post.count}.by(1) end end end
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.