The latest version of this tool can be found here.
If you are interested in more research along this direction: look here.
If you have any questions contact: [email protected]
DASA is an open-source design, analysis, and simulation framework for automotive IBC systems that can consider the change in vehicle dynamics in real-time and produces real-time dynamic image stream as per the control algorithm. Our framework models the 3D environment in 3ds Max, simulates the vehicle dynamics, camera position, environment and traffic in V-REP and computes the control output in Matlab. Our framework runs Matlab as a server and V-REP as a client in synchronous mode. Effectively, this is a software-in-the-loop simulator using Vrep and Matlab. This work was presented in:
S. Mohamed, D. Zhu, D. Goswami, T. Basten, "DASA: an open-source design, analysis and simulation framework for automotive image-based control systems," in: MCAA Annual Conference, 2019.
DASA consists of 3 tools:
3ds Max Install this only if you want to model the 3D environment not already included in the release. You can download it from
V-REP You should download it from Follow their instructions to install it.
Matlab You should download it from Follow their instructions to install it.
DASA needs openCV library to be installed in your system. The current framework uses "mexopencv". You can install it from The path to the installation should be added to Matlab path.
Documentation on the framework can be found in DASA Tutorial.pdf
This website provides also a command-line reference guide and documentation of
the API.
Sajid Mohamed [email protected]