API to get latest videos of certain topic from Youtube (fetched from the Youtube Data API)
- Backend : Flask
- Database : PostgreSQL, Redis, Elastic Search
- Tools : Celery, Celery Beat, Docker & Docker-Compose
- Celery is better than cron jobs because it can be easily distributed across machines with a centralised cache (like ElasticCache by AWS).
- Cache also stores exhausted keys status in multi key support to save network calls when celery is deployed on multiple instances.
- Elastic Search is the most sought open source search tool. Leverages B+ Trees indexing at its core.
- Bulk Insert in DB allows inserting large number of items In single attempt
- APIs use Cache to reduce network I/O calls when fetching data from Elastic Search or DB.
- More points below on how to optimize it further..
├── Contains
| └── docker-compose.yml # Docker Compose File
| ├── .gitignore # Gitignore file to stop tracking unnecesarry files
│ ├── services
| ├── yt-api
| ├── Dockerfile # Docker File
| ├── entrypoint.sh # Entrypoint for Docker Container
| ├── requirements.txt # Requirements file for the project
| ├── yt-api
| ├── project
| ├── __init__.py # Initialization file for all services of Youtube API service
| ├── .env # Environment File
| ├── celerybeat.py # Celery Beat (Scheduler) Configuration file
| ├── config.py # Youtube service project configuration file
| ├── es_utils.py # Elastic Search Utils file
| ├── models.py # Models file for database
| ├── tasks.py # Async tasks background file
| ├── utils.py # Utilities file
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Firstly, turn the Docker Daemon on:
git clone https://github.com/saket13/youtube_fetch
cd youtube_fetch
chmod +x services/yt-api/entrypoint.sh
docker-compose up -d --build
docker-compose exec web python manage.py create_db
docker-compose exec web python manage.py create_es_index
Search API:
Paginated Videos API:
Paginated View - Page-1 | Paginated View - Page-2 |
| Containers | Scheduler |Use postman to do a GET request:
Query Params
URL_1 = <br/>
URL_2 =
Here, params in URL-1 represent the page number and limit per page for pagination
In URL-2 query string to be searched.
- Async Worker to add latest videos every min and store in DB with index
- Paginated GET API to fetch videos in descending order of published date time
- Basic search API to search the stored videos using their title and description
- Dockerize the Project
- Multi Key Support
- Optimize search API for partial search in title or description
- Application Level
- Using AsyncIO and its libraries for handling HTTP requests asynchronously using event loop and coroutines.
- Implementing Payload Compression to save amount of data transferred.
- Decoupling fetching of videos from Youtube API and saving to DB using Redis and Celery, like a simple Pub-Sub to scale more.
- Using a faster runtime of Python something like JIT compiler.
- Sharing frequently accessed memory of application instances.
- Infra Level
- Use a load balancer and a number of instances to evenly distribute load and increase efficiency of APIs
- Use Nginx as reverse proxy and gunicorn to manage multiple replicas of the app on same instance.
- RDS should be centralized too and Master-slave architecture can also be used to distribute the load.
- Redis Cluster should be used to avoid Redis failovers instead of single Redis node.
- Using ELK stack for unified logging across the product.
And many more.......