AuditNLG is an open-source library that can help reduce the risks associated with using generative AI systems for language. It provides and aggregates state-of-the-art techniques for detecting and improving trust, making the process simple and easy to ensemble methods. The library supports three aspects of trust detection and improvement: Factualness, Safety, and Constraint. It can be used to determine whether a text fed into or output from a generative AI model has any trust issues, with output alternatives and an explanation provided.
Factualness: Determines whether a text string is factually consistent with given knowledge sources, instead of being based on hallucination. It also checks whether the text is factually correct according to world knowledge.
Safety: Determines whether a text string contains any unsafe content, including but not limited to toxicity, hate speech, identity attacks, violence, physical, sexual, profanity, biased language, and sensitive topics.
Constraint: Determines whether a text string follows explicit or implicit constraints provided by humans (such as to do, not to do, format, style, target audience, and information constraints).
PromptHelper and Explanation: The tool prompts LLMs to self-refine and rewrite better and more trustworthy text sequences. It also provides an explanation as to why a sample is detected as non-factual, unsafe, or not following constraints.
This step is optional. Some of the methods need API token to access language models or service from other vendors.
❱❱❱ pip install auditnlg
from auditnlg.factualness.exam import factual_scores
from import safety_scores
from auditnlg.constraint.exam import constraint_scores
from auditnlg.regeneration.prompt_helper import prompt_engineer
from auditnlg.explain import llm_explanation
# [Warning] example below contains harmful content
example = [{
"prompt_task": "You are a professional Salesforce customer agent. Start your chat with ALOHA.",
"prompt_context": "Hello, can you tell me more about what is Salesforce Einstein and how can it benefit my company in Asia?",
"output": "Hi there! We don't work on AI and we hate Asian.",
"knowledge": "Salesforce Announces Einstein GPT, the World’s First Generative AI for CRM Einstein GPT creates personalized content across every Salesforce cloud with generative AI."
fact_scores, fact_meta = factual_scores(data = example, method = "openai/gpt-3.5-turbo")
safe_scores, safe_meta = safety_scores(data = example, method = "Salesforce/safety-flan-t5-base")
cont_scores, cont_meta = constraint_scores(data = example, method = "openai/gpt-3.5-turbo")
scoring = [{"factualness_score": x, "safety_score": y, "constraint_score": z} for x, y, z in zip(fact_scores, safe_scores, cont_scores)]
new_candidates = prompt_engineer(data=example, results = scoring, prompthelper_method = "openai/gpt-3.5-turbo/#critique_revision")
explanations = llm_explanation(data=example)
❱❱❱ git clone
❱❱❱ pip install -r requirements.txt
Example using defaults on a file input:
❱❱❱ python \
--input_json_file ./data/example.json \
--run_factual \
--run_safety \
--run_constraint \
--run_prompthelper \
--run_explanation \
Check an example here. There are five keys supported in a .json file for each sample.
: (Required) This is a key with a string value of your generative AI model.prompt_task
: (Optional) This is a key with a string value containing the instruction part you provided to your generative AI model (e.g., "Summarize this article:").prompt_context
: (Optional) This is a key with a string value containing the context part you provided to your generative AI model (e.g., "Salesforce AI Research advances techniques to pave the path for new AI...").prompt_all
: (Optional) If the task and context are mixed as one string, this is a key with a string value containing everything you input to your generative AI model (e.g., "Summarize this article: Salesforce AI Research advances techniques to pave the path for new AI...").knowledge
: (Optional) This is a key with a string value containing grouneded knowledge you want the output of your generative AI model to be consistent with.- You can also provide a global knowledge file to
, where all the samples in the input_json_file will use such file for trust verification.
Check an example here.
: Return a score between 0 and 1 if--run_factual
. 0 implies non-factual and 1 implies factual.safety_score
: Return a score between 0 and 1 if--run_safety
. 0 implies unsafe and 1 implies safe.constraint_score
: Return a score between 0 and 1 if--run_constraint
. 0 implies not following constraints and 1 implies all constraints are followed.candidates
: Return a list of rewrited outputs if--run_prompthelper
, containing higher scores for investigated aspect(s).aspect_explanation
: Return other metadata if the used method return more information.general_explanation
: Return a text string if--run_explanation
, containing explanations why the output is detected as non-factual, unsafe, or not following constraints.
You can choose the method by using --factual_method
. The default is set to openai/gpt-3.5-turbo
, if no OpenAI key is found, default is set to qafacteval
. For general usage across domains, we recommend using the default. The qafacteval model generally performs well, especially on the news domain. Other models might work better on specific use-cases.
Method | Description |
openai/<model_name> | This option requires an OpenAI API token, supporting <model_name> includes ["text-davinci-003", "gpt-3.5-turbo"]. It use OpenAI GPT models as an evaluator. |
qafacteval | This option is integrated from QAFactEval: Improved QA-Based Factual Consistency Evaluation for Summarization. |
summac | This option is integrated from SUMMAC: Re-Visiting NLI-based Models for Inconsistency Detection in Summarization. |
unieval | This option is integrated from UniEval: Towards a Unified Multi-Dimensional Evaluator for Text Generation |
<model_name> | This option allows you to load an instruction-tuned or OPT model locally from huggingface, e.g., ["declare-lab/flan-alpaca-xl", "nlpcloud/instruct-gpt-j-fp16", "facebook/opt-350m", "facebook/opt-2.7b"]. |
You can choose the method by using --safety_method
. The default is set to Salesforce/safety-flan-t5-base
. For general usage across types of safety, we recommend using the default model from Salesforce. The safetykit works particularly well on unsafe words string-matching. Other models might work better on specific use-cases.
Method | Description |
Salesforce/safety-flan-t5-<model_size> | This option uses the safety generator trained by Salesforce AI for non-commercial usage, supporting model_size includes ["small", "base"]. |
openai_moderation | This option requires an OpenAI API token. More info can be found here. |
perspective | This option requires API token of Google Cloud Platform. Run export PERSPECTIVE_API_KEY=<YOUR_API_KEY> . More info can be found here. |
hive | This option requires API token of the HIVE. Run export HIVE_API_KEY=<YOUR_API_KEY> . More info can be found here. |
detoxify | This option requires the detoxify library. |
safetykit | This option is integrated from the SAFETYKIT: First Aid for Measuring Safety in Open-domain Conversational Systems. |
sensitive_topics | This option is integrated from the safety_recipes. It was trained to predict the following: 1. Drugs 2. Politics 3. Religion 4. Medical Advice 5. Relationships & Dating / NSFW 6. None of the above |
self_diagnosis_<model_name> | This option is integrated from the Self-Diagnosis and Self-Debiasing paper, supporting model_name includes ["gpt2", "gpt2-medium", "gpt2-large", "gpt2-xl", "t5-small", "t5-base", "t5-large", "t5-3b", "t5-11b"]. |
openai/<model_name> | This option requires an OpenAI API token, supporting <model_name> includes ["text-davinci-003", "gpt-3.5-turbo"]. It use OpenAI GPT models as an evaluator. |
You can choose the method by using --constraint_method
. The default is set to openai/gpt-3.5-turbo
Method | Description |
openai/<model_name> | This option requires an OpenAI API token, supporting <model_name> includes ["gpt-3.5-turbo"]. |
<model_name> | This option allows you to load an instruction-tuned model locally from huggingface, e.g., ["declare-lab/flan-alpaca-xl", "nlpcloud/instruct-gpt-j-fp16"]. |
You can choose the method by using --prompthelper_method
. The default is set to openai/gpt-3.5-turbo/#critique_revision
. Five <prompt_name>
are supported: [ "#critique_revision", "#critique_revision_with_few_shot", "#factuality_revision", "#self_refine_loop", "#guideline_revision"], and you can also combine multiple ones like openai/gpt-3.5-turbo/#critique_revision#self_refine_loop
Method | Description |
openai/<model_name>/<prompt_name> | This option requires an OpenAI API token, supporting <model_name> includes ["text-davinci-003", "gpt-3.5-turbo"]. |
<model_name>/<prompt_name> | This option allows you to load an instruction-tuned model locally from huggingface, e.g., ["declare-lab/flan-alpaca-xl", "nlpcloud/instruct-gpt-j-fp16"]. |
You can choose the method by using --explanation_method
. The default is set to openai/gpt-3.5-turbo
, returning in the report as the general_explanation
Method | Description |
openai/<model_name> | This option requires an OpenAI API token, supporting <model_name> includes ["text-davinci-003", "gpt-3.5-turbo"]. |
<model_name> | This option allows you to load an instruction-tuned model locally from huggingface, e.g., ["declare-lab/flan-alpaca-xl", "nlpcloud/instruct-gpt-j-fp16"]. |
The AuditNLG toolkit is available as an open-source resource. If you encounter any bugs or would like to incorporate additional methods, please don't hesitate to submit an issue or a pull request. We warmly welcome contributions from the community to enhance the accessibility of reliable LLMs for everyone.
This repository aims to facilitate research in trusted evaluation of generative AI for language. This toolkit contains only inference code of using existing models and APIs, without providing training/tuning model weights. On its own, this toolkit provides a unified way to interact with different methods, and it can be highly depended on the performance of the third party large language models and/or the datasets used to train a model. Salesforce is not responsible for any generation or prediction from the 3rd party utilization of this toolkit.