Web client for OpenSlides 4+ which serves as the users main interaction point while using the OpenSlides system. Delivers a responsive web application written in Angular Material, serving web browsers on both desktop systems, smartphones and tablet PCs. The client can be installed as a Progressive Web App (PWA).
Sends requests to the OpenSlides Backend and receives live data from the OpenSlides Autoupdate Service. Interchanges information and data with surrounding OpenSlides clients using the OpenSlides Inter-Client-Communication service.
This software is not yet ready for productive use. You might want to see OpenSlides instead
Get the code:
git clone https://github.com/OpenSlides/openslides-client.git
Change into openslides-client:
cd openslides-client
Build the client using docker:
docker build . -t client
That might take a few minutes. Once done, run the docker image:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 client
You should now have the client up and running in docker using nginx on http://localhost:8080/
If you want to inspect the files you just build:
docker run -it client bash
Get the code:
git clone https://github.com/OpenSlides/openslides-client.git
Change into the client:
cd openslides-client/client
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Build the client in production mode:
npm run build
That might take a few minutes.
The static files will be build in openslides-client/client/dist
This is an Angular project. The usage of Angular CLI is highly recommended to create components and services. See https://angular.io/guide/quickstart for details.
Get the code:
git clone git@github.com:OpenSlides/openslides-client.git
(but you will use your own fork of course)
Change into the client:
cd openslides-client
Build the docker image with your tool chain:
docker build . -f Dockerfile.dev -t client-dev
Run the developing docker image:
docker run -it -v ${PWD}/client/src:/app/src -p 4200:4200 --rm client-dev
You should now have an Angular developing server using docker up and running on http://localhost:4201/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
To run angular and npm commands, you can access the docker image directly using:
docker run -it client-dev bash
If your editor likes to have a node_modules
folder, you might want to copy it from your docker image, or run npm install
in the clients "client" directory.
Get the code:
git clone git@github.com:OpenSlides/openslides-client.git
(but you will use your own fork of course)
Change into the client:
cd openslides-client/client
Install the npm dependencies:
npm install
Run the angular development server:
npm start
You should now have a native Angular development server up and running on http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Generally, please work in your own fork, make branches and make a pull request if you want to see your changes in the OpenSlides Client. A pull requests should have exactly one commit. Contributors should add themselves to the AUTHORS file on the OpenSlides main repository.
Write your commit messages like they could appear in a change log.
- Separate subject from body with a blank line
- Limit the subject line to 50 characters
- Capitalize the subject line
- Do not end the subject line with a period
- Use the imperative mood in the subject line
- Wrap the body at 72 characters
- Use the body to explain what and why vs. how
Please respect the code-style defined in .editorconfig
and .pretierrc
Adjust your editor to the .editorconfig
to avoid surprises.
See https://editorconfig.org/ for details.
Code can be cleaned and aligned automatically using npm run cleanup
This will take care of code alignment, import sorting and quotation marks.
To execute this inside the docker container, you can either use make run-cleanup
while the client
container is already running or make run-cleanup-standalone
if it's not.
We are using ngx-translate for translation purposes. The command:
npm run extract
Will extract strings and update elements an with translation functions.
Language files can be found in client/src/assets/i18n
The offical translation of OpenSlides can be found in transifex.
Grep the code for | translate
and this.translate
to find examples.
Please document new code using JSDoc.
The documentation of the source material can be generated using compodoc by running:
npm run compodoc
A new web server will be started on http://localhost:8080/. Once running, the documentation will be updated automatically.
You can run it on another port by adding your local port after the command. If no port specified, it will try to use 8080.
See https://compodoc.app/guides/jsdoc-tags.html for details.
OpenSlides Client uses the following software or parts of them:
- @angular/animations@13.2.3, License: MIT
- @angular/cdk-experimental@13.2.4, License: MIT
- @angular/cdk@13.2.3, License: MIT
- @angular/common@13.2.3, License: MIT
- @angular/compiler@13.2.3, License: MIT
- @angular/core@13.2.3, License: MIT
- @angular/forms@13.2.3, License: MIT
- @angular/material-moment-adapter@13.2.3, License: MIT
- @angular/material@13.2.3, License: MIT
- @angular/platform-browser-dynamic@13.2.3, License: MIT
- @angular/platform-browser@13.2.3, License: MIT
- @angular/router@13.2.3, License: MIT
- @ngx-pwa/local-storage@13.0.2, License: MIT
- @ngx-translate/core@14.0.0, License: MIT
- @ngx-translate/http-loader@7.0.0, License: MIT
- @pebula/ngrid-material@4.0.0, License: UNKNOWN
- @pebula/ngrid@4.0.0, License: MIT
- @pebula/utils@1.0.2, License: UNKNOWN
- @tinymce/tinymce-angular@5.0.1, License: Apache-2.0
- @videojs/http-streaming@2.13.1, License: Apache-2.0
- acorn@8.7.0, License: MIT
- broadcast-channel@4.10.0, License: MIT
- chart.js@3.7.1, License: MIT
- core-js@3.21.1, License: MIT
- css-element-queries@1.2.3, License: MIT
- exceljs@4.3.0, License: MIT
- file-saver@2.0.5, License: MIT
- jszip@3.7.1, License: (MIT OR GPL-3.0-or-later)
- lz4js@0.2.0, License: ISC
- material-design-icons-iconfont@6.4.1, License: Apache-2.0
- moment@2.29.2, License: MIT
- ng-particles@2.41.4, License: MIT
- ng2-charts@3.0.8, License: ISC
- ng2-pdf-viewer@8.0.1, License: MIT
- ngx-device-detector@3.0.0, License: MIT
- ngx-file-drop@13.0.0, License: MIT
- ngx-mat-select-search@4.0.2, License: MIT
- ngx-material-timepicker@5.5.3, License: MIT
- ngx-papaparse@5.0.0, License: MIT
- pdfmake@0.2.4, License: MIT
- rxjs@7.5.4, License: Apache-2.0
- tinycolor2@1.4.2, License: MIT
- tinymce@5.10.3, License: LGPL-2.1
- ts-dedent@2.2.0, License: MIT
- tslib@2.3.1, License: 0BSD
- tsparticles@1.41.4, License: MIT
- video.js@7.17.0, License: Apache-2.0
- zone.js@0.11.4, License: MIT
- @angular-devkit/build-angular@13.2.4, License: MIT
- @angular-eslint/builder@13.1.0, License: MIT
- @angular-eslint/eslint-plugin-template@13.1.0, License: MIT
- @angular-eslint/eslint-plugin@13.1.0, License: MIT
- @angular-eslint/schematics@13.1.0, License: MIT
- @angular-eslint/template-parser@13.1.0, License: MIT
- @angular/cli@13.2.4, License: MIT
- @angular/compiler-cli@13.2.3, License: MIT
- @biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract-marker@1.0.0, License: MIT
- @biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract@7.0.4, License: MIT
- @types/file-saver@2.0.5, License: MIT
- @types/jasmine@3.10.3, License: MIT
- @types/js-yaml@4.0.5, License: MIT
- @types/node@12.20.46, License: MIT
- @types/tinycolor2@1.4.3, License: MIT
- @types/video.js@7.3.33, License: MIT
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@5.11.0, License: MIT
- @typescript-eslint/parser@5.11.0, License: BSD-2-Clause
- axios@0.26.0, License: MIT
- compression-webpack-plugin@9.2.0, License: MIT
- eslint@8.9.0, License: MIT
- jasmine-core@4.0.1, License: MIT
- js-yaml@4.1.0, License: MIT
- karma-chrome-launcher@3.1.0, License: MIT
- karma-coverage@2.1.1, License: MIT
- karma-jasmine-html-reporter@1.7.0, License: MIT
- karma-jasmine@4.0.1, License: MIT
- karma@6.3.16, License: MIT
- npm-license-crawler@0.2.1, License: BSD-3-Clause
- po2json@1.0.0-beta-2, License: LGPL-2.0-or-later
- prettier@2.5.1, License: MIT
- typescript@4.5.5, License: Apache-2.0
- webpack-bundle-analyzer@4.5.0, License: MIT