repository also for matching Wikidata with the Welfare State Analytics project(sv. Välfärdsstaten analyserad) and the riksdagen-corpus
- 2023-12 last edit on wikipedia - stat salgo60
- 2023-10 feedback researchproject Riksdagens Corpus #164
- 2022-10-1 added a backlog of problems we see in the Swedish Riksdagens Open Data se #50
- 2022-04-04 connecting Wikidata to "Tvåkammar-riksdagen 1867-1970" see issues/38
- 2022-02-21 connecting Wikidata to "Sveriges statskalender" see issues/36
- 2022-01-04 the special name form used for the Swedish PM is now decided to also be moved down to Wikidata and accessable as SPARQL questions and a Wikipedia template, primary source used in the beginning are the books "Tvåkammar-riksdagen 1867-"
- 2021-12-24 Notebook with scanned pictures of Swedish PM at
- 2021-12-17 small test with 3037 lines matched with Wikidata see members_of_parliament WD 20211217.csv
- I will use Open Refine and match with Wikidata
- The plan
- Issues I add to Issues in this repository - (tag them if I need help from project welfare-state-analytics)
- If a person is missing in WIkidata I add them
- create a mismatch Notebook to see where we have differencies
SPARQL query finding all Wikidata external properties for people in Wikidata with Property:P39 "position held" Swedish "Riksdagen"
About integrating with Wikidata "Wikidata good patterns #4"
Interesting WIkidata projects
- Wikidata:WikiProject_every_politician
- "The overall aim of this WikiProject is to have complete and consistently structured data across the world on all elected representatives, from National to Local level"
- Wikidata:WikiProject every politician/Sweden
- One active user is Tony Bowden (GITHUB tmtmtmtm) he has created GITHUB repositories for webscarping more countries data example Sweden sweden-riksdag-api-current latest diff example "Update data: Mon Dec 6 10:31:53 UTC 2021"
- Wikidata:WikiProject_Sweden/Swedish_Riksdag_documents
Most common properties on a certain document type
- Example query find all
SPARQL Vilka skriver motioner ihop i Svenska Riksdagen 2018 - tweet
SPARQL Just showing the interactions between two MPs not in the same party when writing a motion 2018 in the Swedish Parliament tweet
SPARQL birth and death places WIkidata has for Swedish MPs see video
- Wikidata:WikiProject British Politicians one of the best country MP projects
- Sample Queries
- Andrew gray twitter @generalising is worth follow see example tweet queries
- Wikidata:WikiProject Country subdivision "Any geographically based political division within a country is covered by this WikiProject"
- Wikidata:WikiProject_every_politician
The ShEx we have for Riksdagsledamöter in Wikidata EntitySchema:E134
- Video when this schema was created "Wikipedia Weekly Network - Entity Schemas and Shape Expressions (ShEx)"
Wikidata related objects for Swedish PMs
- befattning P39
- parlamentsgrupp P4100
- ....
- Europaparlamentariker-ID P1186 --> SPARQL nationality Swedish = 105
- Twitter property P2002 - sparql Swedish PM
Creating parliament charts with wikidata
Scholia is a service that creates visual scholarly profiles for topics, people, organizations, species, chemicals, etc using bibliographic and other information in Wikidata - statistics = 37,436,027Scholarly articles
- Example
- latest Wikidata related research papers
- example SPARQL co-authors graph for topic Wikidata
- latest Wikidata related research papers
- latest research paper in Wikidata from Uppsala University
- "En person" har scannat in 880 000 bilder --> massor med bilder på Riksdagsledamöter som jag långsamt kopplar ihop med Wikidata se verktyg jag byggt till deras API - video in swedish/english
- Wikidata Q5542641 / bilder Wikicommons
- Wikidata Q5627413 / bilder Wikicommons
- Wikidata Q6042371 / bilder Wikicommons
- Wikidata Q5572691 / bilder Wikicommons
- Wikidata Q5572670 / bilder Wikicommons
- se tweet / SPARQL / video / lördagsintervju
- "Workshop for the scientific Wikidata community @ ISWC 2021 24 October 2021. Online"
"Wikidata is an open knowledge base hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation that can be read and edited by both humans and machines. Wikidata acts as the central source of common, open structured data used by Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikisource, and others. It is used in a variety of academic and industrial applications.
In recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of scientific publications around Wikidata. While there are a number of venues for the Wikidata community to exchange, none of those publish original research. We want to bridge the gap between these communities and the research events and give the research-focused part of the Wikidata community a venue to meet and exchange information and knowledge.
The Wikidata Workshop 2021 focuses on the challenges and opportunities of working on a collaborative open-domain knowledge graph such as Wikidata, which is edited by an international and multilingual community. We encourage submissions that observe the influence such a knowledge graph has on the web of data, as well as those working on improving this knowledge graph itself. This workshop brings together everyone working around Wikidata in both the scientific field and industry to discuss trends and topics around this collaborative knowledge graph."
Histropedia tool using Wikidata to displays timelines
- Graves located in Stockholm on Norra Begravningsplatsen for Swedish PMs we have in Wikidata = 165 graves
- Graves located at Uppsala old cemetery for Swedish PM = graves 24
- Property P109 is a picture of a signature --> Swedish PM signatures in Wikidata
- Show cases research
- "A Quarter of a Million Items on FactGrid – just a brief reflection"
- "Einblicke in das interne Berichtswesen des Illuminaten-Ordens. Aus der Hand Hermann Schüttlers: 71 Dokumente der Jahre 1781 bis 1785"
- "The Illuminati Correspondence Fast Forward" using / blog
Announced is a Cloud version see tweets
I would like to see that we not just describe birth, death about a person but also opinions with sources as Linked data
- Example a person in the Swedish Parliament who has Q28528178 "racist" opinions
- Q5573026 "Olof Bergqvist"
- SVT "Gata i Gällivare kan få nytt namn – döpt efter rasistisk biskop"
- "Rastänkande och särskiljande av samer*"
- Swedish SBL - Band 03 (1922), page 655 dont mention this how do we describe that as linked data
- Q5573026 "Olof Bergqvist"
- Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon SKBL has added sections about signficant persons
- Example Alva Myrdal SKBL json / Wikidata graf
- Example Alva Myrdal SKBL json / Wikidata graf
Can we classify all parliament documents to do them more findable?
Paul-Olivier Dehaye the person behind Cambridge Analytica scandal has the vision that with one click tweet
2019 I meet the Swedish parlament IT people 2019 (T235527#5615454) and they had 2019 plans on using the Eurovoc a multilingual thesaurus maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union (Wikidata Property:P5437 looks like nothing was done
- Parla-CLARIN
- Welfare state:
- Plenary Debates of the Parliament of Finland as Linked Open Data and in Parla-CLARIN Markup
- substantially verbatim report of what was said in both houses of Parliament between 1803-2021 through various search functions and interactive visualisations.