You can use Zotero to format your citations and bibliographies when writing papers and grant proposals in the Sali lab (as an alternative to EndNote or Papers).
All lab publications are available online in a Zotero group. Create a free Zotero account, after which you can join the Zotero group and cite any of these papers (no passing EndNote libraries around!)
A number of private groups are available for working on specific papers or grants. Ask the lead author to add you to the relevant Zotero group.
Some custom bibliography styles are available in this repository. For example, there is a lab NIH style which we use for NIH grant proposals (notably, it includes the PMCID for papers that have one).
When you insert a new citation Zotero always updates the bibliography (equivalent to EndNote's Cite As You Write feature). This can be slow if you're using a style that uses numbers for the citations (since potentially every existing citation has to be renumbered). While working on a document, use a style that uses Author, Year for citations instead (e.g. Chicago).
You cannot add citations inside text boxes (e.g. in figure captions). (While you can do this in EndNote, it processes text boxes separately from the main text, so gets the citation numbering wrong.) As a workaround, you can add the figure caption in the main text and format it as hidden text (be careful not to delete it by mistake). As a last step before submission, copy the hidden text into the figure caption proper.