import { SoftwareDeveloper, Skills } from 'salomaosnff';
class Bio extends SoftwareDeveloper {
name = 'Salomão Neto';
title = 'Fullstack Engineer';
company = null; // Hire me to have your company name here
location = 'Aracati, CE';
studying = 'Bachelor of Computer Science | IFCE Campus Aracati'
class FrontEndSkills implements Skills {
languages = ['TypeScript', 'JavaScript', 'SASS'];
frameworks = ['Vue 3', 'Vite', 'Nuxt.js', 'PIXI.js', 'Three.js'];
class BackEndSkills implements Skills {
languages = ['Node.js'];
frameworks = ['Nest.js', 'express', ''];
databases = ['PostgreSQL', 'MongoDB', 'ArangoDB'];
class LearningSkills implements Skills {
languages = ['Rust'];
architectures = ['Clean Architeture', 'Domain Driven Design'];
class MobileSkills implements Skills {
technologies = ['Capacitor.js'];
To save you time, I've made a list of some relevant projects.
- 💼 Portfolio Some projects that I actively participated in the development
- 🎵 Watch videos with friends
- 🎮 Open Hotel Habbo Hotel Remake
- 🔒 OAuth DIO OAuth2.0 integration for dio (Flutter)
- 💉 InjeTS Dependency Injection with Typescript
- 🎮 A* Pathfinder Algorithm for finding paths implemented in Typescript demo
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