Play Rock, Paper, Scissors in your browser!
After cloning the repo, follow the steps below.
bundle exec rackup
Then visit http://localhost:9292/ in the browser to play.
bundle exec rspec
Build a Rock, Paper, Scissors game to play in the browser.
Makers Acacemy week 3 weekend challenge.
See full challenge instructions here
As a user
So that I can see my name in lights
I would like to register my name before playing an online game
As a user
So that I can enjoy myself away from the daily grind
I would like to be able to play Rock, Paper, Scissors
- the user should be able to enter their name before the game
- the user will be presented the choices (rock, paper and scissors)
- the user can choose one option
- the game will choose a random option
- a winner will be declared
- Rock beats Scissors
- Scissors beats Paper
- Paper beats Rock
- Sinatra web framework
- RSpec testing framework
- Capybara testing framework
Change the game so that two players can play against each other.
Use the special rules ( )