Vue3 library for building Dapps in an ES module environment
This library relies on the Vue3 composition API. Ethereum activity is handled by Ethers.
Currently, only Metamask is supported as a wallet provider, but work is in progress to integrate WalletConnect and others.
We recommend PNPM for Javascript package management.
pnpm i -D @samatech/vue3-eth
The only configuration is ethChainId
, which is an optional string indicating the intended network to connect to. It's only used for error checking, which is skipped if left out.
import { useChain } from '@samatech/vue3-eth';
const chain = useChain({ ethChainId: 'ropsten' });
Callbacks are included in the object returned by useChain
const { onSetupProvider } = useChain();
onSetupProvider((signer) => {
// The eth provider is connected. Store the signer if you need it later
// Make sure "signer" is NOT reactive, this will break ethers.js
const { onConnect } = useChain();
onConnect((address) => {
// ethers.js setup complete, you can now use all library functions
const { onDisconnect } = useChain();
onDisconnect(() => {
// Disconnected from blockchain
// "connectWallet" or "reconnectWallet" must be called to use the library again
const { onChainChanged } = useChain();
onChainChanged((chainId) => {
// The user changed the blockchain/network
const { onAccountsChanged } = useChain();
onAccountsChanged((accounts) => {
// The user switched accounts
loadingAccount - Boolean indicating whether a connection is in progress. (Default false
connectError - String/key that represents the current error state. (Default null
Error descriptions:
- Metamask is not available in the current browser contexterrors.not_connected
- A blockchain access function was called before a provider was connectederrors.user_rejected
- The user rejected the transactionerrors.nonce_high
- The Metamask account nonce doesn't match the expected value. This happens when a local testnet is reset after use, the solution is to go to Metamask options -> Advanced -> Reset Accounterrors.tx_reverted
- The transaction failed for some reasonerrors.unknown
- An unknown error occurred
wrongNetwork - Boolean, true if connected to a network not specified by ethChainId
walletConnected - Boolean, true if currently connected (after onConnect
, before onDisconnect
connectWallet(walletName: string)
- Connect to the blockchain.
is the type of wallet, which can be'metamask'
reconnectWallet(walletName: string)
- Attempts to automatically reconnect to
- Disconnect the current wallet
getTx(hash: string)
- Gets a transaction object from a transaction hash
getTxReceipt(hash: string)
- Gets a transaction receipt object from a transaction hash
- Gets the current signer
getError(e: Exception)
- Converts an exception to an error key
toEth(value: any)
- Utility function for converting a value from Wei to Eth. Arg must be a string or implement
toEthDisplay(value: any)
- Utility function that converts a value from Wei to Eth, and returns a human readable number
toWei(value: any)
- Utility function for converting a value from Eth to Wei (1 / 1e18). Arg must be a string or implement
See the example
directory (TBD).
MIT License © 2021 SamaTech Taiwan