Used to build an MPI core for cl-mpm
git clone to ~/quicklisp/local-projects git clone cl-mpm to local projects as well
Make a core image by running:
(ql:quickload :cl-mpm-worker)
(in-package :cl-mpm-worker)
;;Load all nessesary files to stop compilers interacting when MPI-running
(ql:quickload :cl-mpm)
(ql:quickload :cl-mpm/setup)
(ql:quickload :cl-mpm/particle)
(ql:quickload :cl-mpm/mpi)
(defun primary-main ()
;;Code to execute in mpi
;;Useful to have project depedant code be loaded at runtime
(load "tutorial-mpi.lisp"))
;;Compile down to a core-image
:executable t
:toplevel #'main
:save-runtime-options t)=
This core image may be run with mpi as such:
mpirun -N 2 ./mpi-worker
Core images may break being unable to require base packages, you may need to set SBCL_HOME directly to the location of install:
export SBCL_HOME=~/path-to-your-lisp-install/sbcl/lib/sbcl/
- Sam Sutcliffe
Copyright (c) 2023 Sam Sutcliffe