This is an unofficial Python wrapper for the Allcoin exchanges REST API v1. I am in no way affiliated with Allcoin, use at your own risk.
- PyPi
- Source code
- Documentation
- Blog with examples
- Implementation of all REST endpoints
- Simple handling of authentication
- Response exception handling
Register an account with Allcoin.
To use signed account methods you are required to verify to create a Transaction Password and then create an API Key and apply appropriate permissions.
pip install python-allcoin
from allcoin.client import Client
client = Client(api_key, api_secret)
# get market depth
depth = client.get_order_book('eth_btc', size=50)
# get symbol klines
klines = client.get_klines('eth_btc', '1day')
# place a buy order
transaction = client.create_buy_order('eth_btc', '0.01', '1000')
# get list of open orders
orders = client.get_open_orders('eth_btc')
# cancel an order
orders = client.cancel_order('eth_btc', '1235')
# get order info
orders = client.get_order('eth_btc', '1235')
For more check out the documentation.
If this library helped you out feel free to donate.
- ETH: 0xD7a7fDdCfA687073d7cC93E9E51829a727f9fE70
- NEO: AVJB4ZgN7VgSUtArCt94y7ZYT6d5NDfpBo
- LTC: LPC5vw9ajR1YndE1hYVeo3kJ9LdHjcRCUZ
- BTC: 1Dknp6L6oRZrHDECRedihPzx2sSfmvEBys
If you use Binance check out my python-binance library.
If you use Kucoin check out my python-kucoin library.
If you use Quoinex or Qryptos check out my python-quoine library.
If you use IDEX check out my python-idex library.
If you use BigONE check out my python-bigone library.