Gollama is a Go-based client for Ollama for managing models. It provides a TUI for listing, sorting, selecting and deleting models and can link Ollama models to LM-Studio.
The project started off as a rewrite of my llamalink project, but I decided to expand it to include more features and make it more user-friendly.
- Interactive TUI with sorting and filtering capabilities.
- List available models and display basic metadata such as size, quantization level, model family, and modified date.
- Run models.
- Select and delete models.
- Link models to LM-Studio.
go install github.com/sammcj/gollama@latest
# or
go install github.com/sammcj/gollama@v1.1.2 # or any other specific version
Or from source:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/sammcj/gollama.git cd gollama
Build the project:
make build
Run the application:
Use the interactive TUI to list, select, delete, and link models.
Gollama can also be called with -l
to list models without the TUI.
./gollama -l
Other cli arguments can be listed with --help
Loading config from: /Users/samm/.config/gollama/config.json
Usage of ./gollama:
Remove all symlinked models and empty directories and exit
-l List all available Ollama models and exit
-lm-dir string
Custom LM Studio models directory
Don't cleanup broken symlinks
-ollama-dir string
Custom Ollama models directory
Gollama uses a JSON configuration file located at ~/.config/gollama/config.json
. The configuration file includes options for sorting, columns, API keys, log levels etc...
Example configuration:
"default_sort": "modified",
"columns": [
"ollama_api_key": "",
"ollama_api_url": "http://localhost:14434",
"lm_studio_file_paths": "",
"log_level": "info",
"log_file_path": "gollama.log",
"sort_order": "Size",
"strip_string": "my-private-registry.internal/"
The strip string option can be used to remove a prefix from model names as they are displayed in the TUI. This can be useful if you have a common prefix such as a private registry that you want to remove for display purposes.
Logs can be found in the gollama.log
which is stored in $HOME/.config/gollama/gollama.log
by default.
The log level can be set in the configuration file.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes.
Copyright © 2024 Sam McLeod
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
graph TD
A[Main Application] --> B[API Client]
A --> C[Configuration]
A --> D[Logging]
A --> E[User Interface]
E --> F[Model List]
E --> G[Key Bindings]
E --> H[Item Delegate]
class AppModel {
+client : *api.Client
+list : list.Model
+keys : *KeyMap
+models : []Model
+width : int
+height : int
+confirmDeletion : bool
+selectedForDeletion : []Model
+ollamaModelsDir : string
+lmStudioModelsDir : string
+noCleanup : bool
+cfg : *config.Config
+message : string
+Init() tea.Cmd
+Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd)
+View() string
+clearScreen() tea.Model
class Model {
+Name : string
+ID : string
+Size : float64
+QuantizationLevel : string
+Modified : time.Time
+Selected : bool
+Family : string
+IDStr() string
+SizeStr() string
+FamilyStr() string
+ModifiedStr() string
+QuantStr() string
+SelectedStr() string
+NameStr() string
+Title() string
+Description() string
+FilterValue() string
class Config {
+DefaultSort : string
+Columns : []string
+OllamaAPIKey : string
+LMStudioFilePaths : string
+LogLevel : string
+LogFilePath : string
+SortOrder : string
+LastSortSelection : string
+StripString : string
+LoadConfig() (Config, error)
+SaveConfig(config Config) error
+getConfigPath() string
class KeyMap {
+Space : key.Binding
+Delete : key.Binding
+SortByName : key.Binding
+SortBySize : key.Binding
+SortByModified : key.Binding
+SortByQuant : key.Binding
+SortByFamily : key.Binding
+RunModel : key.Binding
+ConfirmYes : key.Binding
+ConfirmNo : key.Binding
+LinkModel : key.Binding
+LinkAllModels : key.Binding
+ClearScreen : key.Binding
+GetSortOrder() string
class Logging {
+DebugLogger : *log.Logger
+InfoLogger : *log.Logger
+ErrorLogger : *log.Logger
+Init(logLevel, logFilePath string) error
AppModel --> Model
AppModel --> KeyMap
AppModel --> Config
AppModel --> Logging