Thanks for checking my Github out - feel free to take a look at some of my projects! Here's a couple of my favourites:
This is a little weekend project that I worked on that makes use of Swing for Java to simulate Boids. A boid is a conceptual model used to simulate the flocking behaviors of animals, such as birds and fish. Created by Craig Reynolds in 1986, the term itself is a portmanteau of "bird-oid object," indicating its origin in emulating the flight patterns of birds. The core idea behind boids is surprisingly simple, relying on three basic rules: separation (avoid crowding neighbors), alignment (steer towards the average heading of neighbors), and cohesion (steer towards the average position of neighbors). Despite the simplicity of these rules, when applied to a group of simulated agents, they result in complex, lifelike behavior that closely mirrors the natural flocking seen in wildlife.
This is another little project that makes use of Spring.js and acts as a URL shortening service. It stores shortened URLs in a SQLite database, and along with a basic webpage that acts as a frontend, acts as a very basic URL shortner.
This is what I'm currently working on - a program that both generates and solves mazes of a given size, all while showing the user a step by step breakdown of how the algorythm works