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Autonomous Noise Unit ansible playbooks

Installs dependencies and configures services required for running your very own ANU.

See more information about ANU, read the code or visit Noise Orchestra.

WARNING if you are installing on an existing RPi system, be aware that config files will be overwritten during the installation process. These include etc/hosts, /boot/config.txt and /etc/modules


  • only tested on RPi 4
  • Raspberry Pi OS or similar with default pi user and ssh enabled
  • hifiberry or pisound soundcards
  • ANU custom HAT (contact noiseorchestramcr AT gmail . com if you want one)
  • optional build the version of JackTrip you want to use and replace the existing build (v1.3.0) in files/jacktrip with your own. You could use this.


  • create a default.yml file in the vars/ folder based on the default-template.yml and populate with your config values
  • you also need to edit or create your ansible hosts file at /etc/ansible/hosts adding the address to your RPi and the host vars audio_hat ("hifiberry-dacplusadc" or "pisound") and vpn_ip (optional). An example would be:
raspberrypi.local audio_hat=pisound vpn_ip=

Once anu-setup.yml has been run the RPi hostname will be changed to anu so the ansible hosts file will need to be updated to reflect this.


Setup the RPi with required user and permissions, copies users local ssh public key, enables passwordless access. When you run this you will be asked for the SSH password, if you haven't changed it, it's the default for a fresh raspbian install raspberry.: $ ansible-playbook anu-setup.yml -u pi -k

Install dependencies and setup services for your ANU: $ ansible-playbook anu-install.yml -u pi

Reboot your ANU (after this your rpi hostname will have changed): $ ansible-playbook anu-reboot.yml -u pi


Install and configure vpncloud for remote ANU access: $ ansible-playbook anu-vpn.yml -u pi

Install and configure telegraf for collecting metrics: $ ansible-playbook anu-telegraf.yml -u pi

Runtime target host

$ ansible-playbook anu-install.yml -u pi --extra-vars "variable_host=anu-fleet"


Ansible playbooks for ANU setup






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