This Implementation of a slider is fully compatible with React-Native and React-Native-Web. It also provides support for Range slider (with 2 thumbs)
npm i -S @sharcoux/slider
You can see below the available props with their respective default values
import { Slider } from '@sharcoux/slider'
value={0} // set the current slider's value
minimumValue={0} // Minimum value
maximumValue={1} // Maximum value
step={0} // The step for the slider (0 means that the slider will handle any decimal value within the range [min, max])
minimumTrackTintColor='grey' // The track color before the current value
maximumTrackTintColor='grey' // The track color after the current value
thumbTintColor='darkcyan' // The color of the slider's thumb
thumbStyle={undefined} // Override the thumb's style
trackStyle={undefined} // Override the tracks' style
vertical={false} // If true, the slider will be drawn vertically
inverted={false} // If true, min value will be on the right, and max on the left
enabled={true} // If false, the slider won't respond to touches anymore
trackHeight={4} // The track's height in pixel
thumbSize={15} // The thumb's size in pixel
onValueChange={undefined} // Called each time the value changed. The type is (value: number) => void
onSlidingStart={undefined} // Called when the slider is pressed. The type is (value: number) => void
onSlidingComplete={undefined} // Called when the press is released. The type is (value: number) => void
{...props} // Add any View Props that will be applied to the container (style, ref, etc)
You can see below the available props with their respective default values
import { Range } from '@sharcoux/slider'
range={[0, 1]} // set the current slider's value
minimumValue={0} // Minimum value
maximumValue={1} // Maximum value
step={0} // The step for the slider (0 means that the slider will handle any decimal value within the range [min, max])
outboundColor='grey' // The track color outside the current range value
inboundColor='grey' // The track color inside the current range value
thumbTintColor='darkcyan' // The color of the slider's thumb
thumbStyle={undefined} // Override the thumb's style
trackStyle={undefined} // Override the tracks' style
vertical={false} // If true, the slider will be drawn vertically
inverted={false} // If true, min value will be on the right, and max on the left
enabled={true} // If false, the slider won't respond to touches anymore
trackHeight={4} // The track's height in pixel
thumbSize={15} // The thumb's size in pixel
onValueChange={undefined} // Called each time the value changed. The type is (range: [number, number]) => void
onSlidingStart={undefined} // Called when the slider is pressed. The type is (range: [number, number]) => void
onSlidingComplete={undefined} // Called when the press is released. The type is (range: [number, number]) => void
{...props} // Add any View Props that will be applied to the container (style, ref, etc)
If you have issues with performances, you can try to use these implementations instead:
import { AnimatedSlider } from '@sharcoux/slider'
import { AnimatedRange } from '@sharcoux/slider'
If you have any issue, please fill an issue on our repo