C++ Programs for beginners
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- Check Prime - To check whether the given number is prime or not.
- Prime Factorisation - To print the prime factors of a number.
- Delete duplicate - To delete duplicate elements from an array.
- Factors - Sieve of Eratosthenis (own logic).
- Factorial - To find factorial of a number.
- Sum of digits - To find the sum of digits of a given number.
- Leap Year - Program to check whether given year is leap.
- Matrix Multiplication - To calculate product of two matrices.
- Memoize Algorithm - Implementation of memrise algo using arrays in c++.
- Factorial - To calculate factorial using recursion.
- Power of a number - Power of a number using recursion.
- Tower of Hanoi - Tower of Hanoi using recursion.
- Kadane's Algorithm - Max sum of subarray using Kadane's algorithm.
- Unique pair - Find Unique pair in an array with pairs of numbers.
- Minimum radius - Find minimum radius such that atleast k point lie inside the circle.
- Fibonacci series - Fibonacci series using recursion.
- Recursion - Random collection of recursive problems.
- Count vowels,letters,words.. - To count number of lines, vowels, words, letters in a file.
- Read and write a file - To read and write in a file.
- List - Implementation of list using STL.
- Stack - Linked list implimention of stack.
- Queue - Linked list implimention of queue.
- Insert Node at N - Function to insert an element at a given position in linked list.
- Merge linked list - Function to merge two sorted linked list into one sorted linked list.
- Binary trees - To implement trees using linked lists.
- Triangle - To print Left-Bottom-Triangle.
- Pyramid - To print Pyramid.
- Triangle - To print Left Bottom Triangle (numbers).
- Fibbonacci - Fibbonacci series printing.
- Three-bonacci
- Vertical half diamond
- Triangle - To print a perfect triangle.
- Pyramid - To print Alphabet pyramid.
- Linear Search - Array implemention.
- Binary Search - Array implemention.
- Bubble-Sort - Array implemention.
- Insertion-Sort - Array implemention.
- Selection-Sort - Array implemention.
- Vector-sort - Vector implementation.
- Radix-sort - Radix sort implementation
- Delete Sub-string - To delete a substring from a main string.
- Reverse the word - To reverse the words in a string.
- Search sub-string - To find the position of a given substring.
- String Stream - Simple program to implement stringstream.
- KMP Algorithm - To search for a sub-string using KMP algorithm.