Adds a simple editor to webUI for spark at http://localhost:4040/workbench. A hack for developers to get a better feel of data exploration. Is not for production, just local data exploration.
Launch spark-shell from this folder, use this command on the spark repl
- :load flint.init
For code-analysis load the code-analysis component using
:load components/code-analysis/codeAnalysis.init
Analyze the git log for finding top committers, code churn (most changed files), distribution of commit and churn. The commands to run for this.
- Generate thg git log for some project with, git log --numstat > detailed.commit.log
- Register the file as a Table in spark with, registerCommitsAsTable("./detailed.commit.log", "commits")
- Query this table from the ui (http://localhost:4040/workbench) with,select author, count(*) as commitCount from commits group by author order by commitCount desc limit 10" or use the alias top10 as top10 commits,author
- On UI view distribution and top values with "histogram commits,author"
In short the commit log is now mapped as an table (SchemaRDD) which can be queried like any other table. For a complete list run help. You can of course create any other table in repl and run sql on it from the web UI.
For creating a sample graph of all methods and the ones they invoke in the spark jar or to look at the source add asm-all-5.0.3.jar to classpath.
- :load components/code-analysis/graphAnalysis.init for creating graph
- :load components/shell-enhancements/shellEnhance.init
- SourceUtil.indexFolder("../../spark")
- SourceUtil.source(res6.head._2) where res6 is the output of sqlContext.sql("select * from commits limit 1") {attr => (, attr.dataType)}
Summary of all steps
git clone
cd spark-flint
SPARK_MEM=2048m $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --jars ./asm-all-5.0.3.jar --total-executor-cores 4 --master local
once spark-shell starts and it gives the scala> prompt
:load flint.init
:load components/code-analysis/graphAnalysis.init
This will run createGraph which exports a graph of all method invocations in spark lib as a graph, this does take a bit of time (1 minute or so)
SPARK_MEM=2048m ../../spark/bin/spark-shell --jars ~/.m2/repository/org/ow2/asm/asm-all/5.0.3/asm-all-5.0.3.jar --total-executor-cores 4 --master local