This modules makes some views requested for streaming purpose available at:
individual pages are also reachable directly at adresses like:
Currently available views:
- partyhud showing hp per actor owned by the user used to login in the current active scene
- partyhudlite showing hp per actor owned by the user used to login in the current active scene (no background for using chroma key)
- partyeffects, showing an infinite scrolling text of current applied effects per token owned by the user used to login in the current active scene (no background for using chroma key)
Example for partyeffects view:
In the setup page of FVTT, Install the module by entering the following URL :
Once installed, the page will be available, regardless on whether or not the module is enabled for the world.
This Foundry VTT module, writen by Luca Santalucia, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This work is licensed under Foundry Virtual Tabletop EULA - Limited License Agreement for module development v 0.1.6.