Often it seems like your cash is vanishing into thin air, especially when you pay through a card or similar payment. You swipe, swipe and swipe! one fine day when you check your balance, it makes you 💔, wondering where did I spend my cash and on what?
This project aims to solve that problem. KaasuEnga focuses on items involved in your purchase more than the stores you visit, giving you out of the box analytics and insights on the products you've spent your money on, along with the stores you've visited.
KaasuEnga can do amazing things for you!
- Want to know the last time you purchased a tomato for 100Rs/Kg?
- Want to know how often you buy Cheese with Bread?
- Want to know which stores offer you a cheaper price for Groceries over a period?
- For the fitness freaks, you could even track how often do you consume junk food.
- poetry install
- poetry run python start.py
A proof of concept for this project is currently online at https://zetahack-backend.herokuapp.com/