Data Structures are divided into two types linear and non-linear.
Linear data structures include Array, Linked List, Queue and Stack. Nonlinear data structures include Tree and Graph.
Stack and It's Implementations a. Balance Parenthesis b. Expressions and their conversions c. Stock Span d. Maximum Area of Histogram e. Smallest to the left, right and vice verca
Queues and it's applications\n a. Negative in K sized window b. Level order traversal of tree c. Circular Tour d. First Non Repeating Char in Stream
Linked List a. Mid of Linked List b. In Place Reversal of Linked List c. Reverse k groups in linked list d. Cycle detection in linked list e. Interleave first and second half of Linked List
Binary Tree a. Traversals of Binary Tree b. Height of Binary Tree c. Diameter of Binary Tree d. Max, Min from Binary Tree
Binary Search Trees a. Max, Min in BST b. Add new node in BST c. Delete heavy path d. Delete a Node e. Validate BST
Graphs a. BFS b. DFS c. Detect Cycle d. Find Islands