Image Comparator is a PHP library for image comparison and hashing. You can compare 2 and more images using perceptual hashing method.
Based on package, with PHP 8 and PHPUnit support. The original project was abandoned in November 2017.
Perceptual hashing is a method to generate a hash of an image which allows multiple images to be compared by an index of similarity. You can find out more at The Hacker Factor and
- PHP 8.1 or higher
- gd extension enabled
To install the library, run:
composer require sapientpro/image-comparator
is the core class of the library:
use SapientPro\ImageComparator\ImageComparator;
$imageComparator = new ImageComparator()
After creating an instance you can use one of the methods available:
$imageComparator->compare('your-images/your-image1.jpg', 'your-images/your-image12.jpg');
If the image path can't be resolved, ImageResourceException
will be thrown:
$imageComparator->hashImage('your-images/non-existent-image.jpg'); // SapientPro\ImageComparator\ImageResourceException: Could not create an image resource from file
Example usage:
We have two images:
Now, let's compare them:
use SapientPro\ImageComparator\ImageComparator;
$image1 = '';
$image2 = ''
$imageComparator = new ImageComparator();
$similarity = $imageComparator->compare($image1, $image2); //default hashing without rotation
echo $similarity; //87.5
The higher the result, the higher the similarity of images.
Let's compare different images:
use SapientPro\ImageComparator\ImageComparator;
$image1 = '';
$image2 = ''
$imageComparator = new ImageComparator();
$similarity = $imageComparator->compare($image1, $image2); //default hashing without rotation
echo $similarity; //54.7
Rotation angle can be passed if compared image is rotated.
You must pass \SapientPro\ImageComparator\Enum\ImageRotationAngle enum with one of the following values:
= 0 degress, D90
= 90 degrees, D180
= 180 degrees, D270
= 270 degrees
use SapientPro\ImageComparator\Enum\ImageRotationAngle;
$similarity = $imageComparator->compare($image1, $image2, ImageRotationAngle::D180); //compared image will be considered rotated by 180 degrees
echo $similarity; //95.3
You can also use detect()
method which will rotate the compared image and return the highest percentage of similarity:
use SapientPro\ImageComparator\ImageComparator;
$image1 = '';
$image2 = ''
$imageComparator = new ImageComparator();
$similarity = $imageComparator->detect($image1, $image2);
echo $similarity; //95.3
With compareArray()
and detectArray()
methods you can compare the source image to any number of images you want.
The behaviour is the same as in compare()
and detect()
use SapientPro\ImageComparator\ImageComparator;
$image1 = '';
$image2 = ''
$image3 = ''
$imageComparator = new ImageComparator();
$similarity = $imageComparator->compareArray(
'forest' => $image2,
'anotherForest' => $image3
); // returns ['forest' => 95.33, 'anotherForest' => 75.22]
If needed, you can create a square image resource from another image
and pass it to compare()
, compareArray()
, detect()
, detectArray
and hashImage()
use SapientPro\ImageComparator\ImageComparator;
$image1 = '';
$image2 = ''
$imageComparator = new ImageComparator();
$squareImage1 = $imageComparator->squareImage($image1);
$squareImage2 = $imageComparator->squareImage($image2);
$similarity = $imageComparator->compare($squareImage1, $squareImage2);
echo $similarity //96.43;
If needed, you can convert the resulting array from hashImage()
to a binary string and pass it to compareHashStrings()
use SapientPro\ImageComparator\ImageComparator;
$image1 = '';
$image2 = ''
$imageComparator = new ImageComparator();
$hash1 = $imageComparator->hashImage($image1);
$hash2 = $imageComparator->hashImage($image2);
$hashString1 = $imageComparator->convertHashToBinaryString($hash1);
$hashString2 = $imageComparator->convertHashToBinaryString($hash2);
$similarity = $imageComparator->compareHashStrings($hashString1, $hashString2);
echo $similarity //96.43;
By default, images are hashed using the average hashing algorithm,
which is implemented in SapientPro\ImageComparator\Strategy\AverageHashStrategy
This strategy is initialized in the constructor of ImageComparator
It is also possible to use difference hashing algorithm, implemented in SapientPro\ImageComparator\Strategy\DifferenceHashStrategy.
To use it, you need to call ImageComparator's setHashStrategy()
method and pass the instance of the strategy:
use SapientPro\ImageComparator\Strategy\DifferenceHashStrategy;
$imageComparator->setHashStrategy(new DifferenceHashStrategy());
If the strategy is set by setHashingStrategy()
, it will be used under the hood in other comparison methods:
use SapientPro\ImageComparator\Strategy\DifferenceHashStrategy;
$imageComparator->setHashStrategy(new DifferenceHashStrategy());
$imageComparator->compare('image1.jpg', 'image2.jpg'); // images will be hashed using difference hash algorithm and then compared
You can read about available methods in our wiki page