Android application that takes information from the Surrey government website and showcases the restaurants on the map with their inspection history so that users may know what their favorite restaurant's inspections have been. The project had three iterations with each one having different roles assigned to different members of the group. Each iteration included user stories and was due within 1.5 weeks.
Product Owner - Justin
Scrum Master - Minh
Product Owner - Devon
Scrum Master - Minh
Product Owner - Saqib
Scrum Master - Minh
We must use the complete Git workflow for this project! That means following the best practices we learned in class. In particular, NO pushing to master is allowed - follow the "branch/develop/merge request/merge" routine.
Each merge request should have a corresponding issue number assigned. Merge request titles should be of the form
(FEATURE | BUGFIX): (Short description). <(my username)> <code reviewer username>
So, for example, a feature submitted by Pierre Jacques and reviewed by Jane Doe might be:
FEATURE: Initial commit of restaurant listing activity. <pjacques> <jdoe>
Ensure the merge request body contains a link to the corresponding issue number. Merge requests may be marked WIP while you work on the branch.
All code must be peer-reviewed by at least one other person on the team before merging. Once major development on a branch is completed, rename the request from WIP to be in line with the above merge guidelines, and notify your peer. Something along the lines of
@(username) please review
as a comment on the request should work.
Reviewers, look through the GitLab 'changed files' tab carefully. If any suggestions are apparent, use the commenting tool to 'raise an issue' for the request submitter to resolve.
Remember, code reviews are not to look down upon team members - just to ensure we have multiple eyes on each line of code that comes in.
Once a reviewer is satisfied with the changes, comment a thumbs up emoji: 👍
After all reviewers have given the request the green light, reviewer should mention the repo manager to merge.
@(repomanager) please merge.
All code must comply with Dr. Fraser's Java Style Guide.