This repo provides example of deploying multiple applications using kuberay operator in kubernetes
couple of ml applications text summarizer and translator that exposes end points for performing summarizing and translation (which are taken from ray documentation)
docker file with common dependencies and to dockerize the applications
rayservice.yaml that helps in creating the ray cluster and deploying apps using kuberay operator
- to test the service end points
kubernetes cluster with helm installed is a prerequisite to start with(This can be executed on local cluster using minikube)
install kuberay operator by running following commands (reference
helm repo add kuberay
helm repo update
helm install kuberay kuberay/kuberay-operator -
build the docker image with applications using the following command docker buildx build -t ml-apps:latest .
in case minikube is used as cluster, copy the image to minikube using the following command
minikube image load ml-apps:latest -
deploy the applications by running the following command
kubectl -f apply rayservice.yaml -
once the services is up and running, port-forward the dashboard port for head-svc and serve-svc to access the dashboard and testing the service. run the following command for port forwarding
kubectl port-foward <svc_name> <host_port>:<pod_port>