Our tale begins at the Gilded Rose, a small inn with a prime location in a prominent city run by a friendly innkeeper named Allison. This quant inn sells a limited range of high-quality goods such as Aged Brie, Sulfuras, and concert tickets. Our unassuming hero developer has been hired to update the inn’s inventory system so Allison can sell conjured items. A simple task, or so it seems. Little does our hero know the perils and smells that await them in the rotten inventory source code.
Learn when and how to refactor in this hands-on presentation as we follow our hero through their refactoring journey of the famous Gilded Rose Kata. You can find a video of the presentation at:
Same refactoring using C#:
The original Gilded Rose Kata in many languages:
First off, read the requirements. Then either use the provided Docker environment or create your own. This example should work on most version of Python 3.
This repo is the Python Gilded Rose Kata but will some changes to make it act more like a "real" Python application.
There is no Dockerfile, just a docker-compose that use a Alpine Python image. Run it:
docker compose run --rm app sh
You need to use sh
instead of bash
as it's a Alpine image. Then you can run application:
python -m scr.main 5
This will output 5 days of item quality updates. To run the tests:
python -m unittest
If you have any questions or constructive feedback, please let me know by opening an issue or reaching out to me via my contact information at Saturday Morning Producitons.
Like this example? Then please share it with others, star the repo, and/or sponsor.
Thank you to Dev Edmonton JavaScript, Python, & Ruby Meetup for allowing me to present. Also thank you, Terry Hughes, for creating the Gilded Rose Kata and Emily Bache for maintaining and expanding it.