The UniSA Capstone Project is an innovative dataset generation application developed to support research and academic endeavors at the University of South Australia (UniSA). This application provides a streamlined and efficient way to generate custom datasets tailored to specific research needs.
To set up this application, follow these simple steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd official-capstone-group-a
Install the required python modules using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
├── controllers # Contains files for managing the application's logic and handling user interactions.
├── datastore # Houses data related files for the application.
├── models # Contains files defining data access layer.
├── share # Share files here related to the project (does not impact on the application).
├── tests # Contains test files for developer use.
├── utils # Contains utility files that provide support functions for the application.
├── views # Contains the frontend 'pages' of the application.
├── requirements.txt
- Indentation: tab (4 spaces) - default in VSCode.
- Maximum 120 characters per line.
- Class names in Pascal case, appending the architectural desgination e.g. LibraryView, LibraryModel, LibraryController.
- Class variable / instance variables (methods or attributes) to be in snake_case e.g. self.datasets_collection or self.get_column_headers().
- Methods of a class that are only to be called by other methods of the same class should be declared semi-private by prefixing the method with an _underscore.
- Methods of a class that are to be accessible / called from other classes need to be public (no need to prefix with an _underscore).
- Calling methods / functions intra-extra class or even as nested functions should be done so with keyword arguments to aid in readability and code comprehension.
> Refer to Documentation on Teams for further conventions.
- Alex - [email protected]
- Htay - [email protected]
- Hanh - [email protected]
- Keegan - [email protected]
- Wes - [email protected]