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Stephan Bösebeck edited this page Aug 23, 2013 · 1 revision

In Mongo until V 2.4 authentication and user privileges were not really existent. With 2.4, roles are introduces which might make it a bit more complicated to get things working.

Morphum and authentication Morphium supports authentication, of course, but only once. So usually you have an application user, which connects to database. Login to mongo is configured as follows:

    MorphiumConfig cfg=new Morpiumconfig(...);

This user usually needs to have read/Write access to the database. If you want your indices to be created automatically by you, this user also needs to have the role dbAdmin for the corresponding database. If you use morphium with a replicase of mongo nodes, morphium needs to be able to get access to local database and get the replicaset status. In order to do so, either the mongo user needs to get additional roles (clusterAdmin and read to local db), or you specify a special user for that task, which has excactly those roles. Morphium authenticates with that different user for accessing replicaSet status (and only for getting the replicaset status) and is convigured very similar to the normal login:


Corresponding MongoD Config

You need to run your mongo nodes with -auth (or authenticat = true set in config) and if you run a replicaset, those nodes need to share a key file or kerberos authentication. (see Let's assume, that all works for now. Now you need to specify the users. One way of doing that is the following:

  • add the user for mongo to your main database (in our case tst)
  • add an admin user for your own usage from shell to admin db (with all privileges)
  • add the clusterAdmin user to admin db as well, grant read access to local
    use admin

    use morphium_test

Here morphium_test is your application database morphium is connected to primarily. The admin db is a system database.

This is far away from being a complete guide, I hope this just gets you started with authentication....