The Pennylane Ruby library provides convenient access to the Pennylane API from applications written in the Ruby language. It includes a pre-defined set of classes for API resources that initialize themselves dynamically from API responses which makes it compatible with a wide range of versions of the Pennylane API. It only works with the buys and sales API.
It was inspired by the Stripe Ruby library.
See the Pennylane API docs.
Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:
$ bundle add pennylane
If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:
# Add to gemfile
gem 'pennylane'
For Rails app :
# Create initializers/pennylane.rb
Pennylane.api_key = Rails.application.credentials.dig(:pennylane, :api_key)
# Add credentials to config/credentials.yml.enc
$ EDITOR=vim bin/rails credentials:edit
api_key: 'x0fd....'
Ruby 2.3+.
The library needs to be configured with your account's token api which is available in your Pennylane Settings. Set Pennylane.api_key
to its value:
require 'pennylane'
Pennylane.api_key = 'x0fd....'
# list customers
Customers (API Doc)
# filter and paginate customers
Pennylane::Customer.list(filter: [{field: 'name', operator: 'eq', value: 'Apple'}], page: 2)
# Retrieve single customer
# Update a customer
cus = Pennylane::Customer.retrieve('38a1f19a-256d-4692-a8fe-0a16403f59ff')
cus.update(name: 'Apple Inc')
# Create a customer
Pennylane::Customer.create customer_type: 'company', name: 'Tesla', address: '4 rue du faubourg', postal_code: '75008', city: 'Paris', country_alpha2: 'FR'
CustomerInvoices (API Doc)
# Create a customer invoice
create_customer: true,
create_products: true,
invoice: {
date: '2021-01-01',
deadline: '2021-01-31',
customer: {
name: 'Tesla',
customer_type: 'company',
address: '4 rue du faubourg',
postal_code: '75001',
city: 'Paris',
country_alpha2: 'FR',
emails: ['[email protected]'] },
line_items: [
description: 'Consulting',
quantity: 1,
unit_price: 1000
# List customer invoices
# Retrieve a customer invoice
invoice = Pennylane::CustomerInvoice.retrieve('38a1f19a-256d-4692-a8fe-0a16403f59ff')
# Finalize a customer invoice
# Send a customer invoice
# Mark a customer invoice as paid
# Link an invoice and a credit note
credit_note = Pennylane::CustomerInvoice.retrieve('some-credit-note-id')
Pennylane::CustomerInvoice.links(invoice.quote_group_uuid, credit_note.quote_group_uuid)
# Import a customer invoice
Pennylane::CustomerInvoice.import(file: Util.file(File.expand_path('../fixtures/files/invoice.pdf', __FILE__)),
create_customer: true,
invoice: { date:, deadline: >> 1,
customer: {
name: 'Tesla',
customer_type: 'company',
address: '4 rue du faubourg',
postal_code: '75001',
city: 'Paris',
country_alpha2: 'FR',
emails: ['[email protected]'] },
line_items: [
description: 'Consulting',
quantity: 1,
unit_price: 1000
Suppliers (API Doc)
# Create a supplier
Pennylane::Supplier.create(name: 'Apple Inc', address: '4 rue du faubourg', postal_code: '75008', city: 'Paris', country_alpha2: 'FR')
# Retrieve a supplier
# List all suppliers
Products (API Doc)
# Create a product
Pennylane::Product.create(label: 'Macbook Pro', unit: 'piece', price: 2_999, vat_rate: 'FR_200', currency: 'EUR')
# List all products
# Retrieve a product
product = Pennylane::Product.retrieve('product_id')
# Update a product
product.update(label: 'Macbook Pro 2021')
Categories (API Doc)
# Create a category
Pennylane::Category.create(name: 'IT')
# Retrieve a category
# List all categories
# Update a category
category = Pennylane::Category.retrieve('category_id')
category.update(name: 'IT Services')
CategoryGroups (API Doc)
# List all category groups
For apps that need to use multiple keys during the lifetime of a process. it's also possible to set a per-request key:
require "pennylane"
api_key: 'x1fa....'
api_key: 'x1fa....'
Both indexer and accessors can be used to retrieve values of resource properties.
customer = Pennylane::Customer.retrieve('customer_id')
puts customer['name']
# NOTE: To do this the gem will try to guess the key of the resource.
# Otherwise we will have to do Pennylane::Customer.retrieve('customer_id')
# We rely on `method_missing` to do Pennylane::Customer.retrieve('customer_id').name
Pennylane provide a test environment. You can use the library with your test token api by setting the Pennylane.api_key
to its value.
bundle install
bundle exec rake test
Resources implemented so far :
- Customer Invoices β
- Estimates π§
- Billing Subscriptions π§
- Customers β
- Suppliers β
- Categories β
- CategoryGroups β
- Products β
- Plan Items π§
- Enums π§
- Supplier Invoices π§
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Everyone interacting in the Pennylane project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.