At the Terminal.app prompt type:
curl -O methylblue.com/MM/MMPrefPane.zip && unzip MMPrefPane.zip && open MMPane.prefPane
The System Preferences app will open. Leave Install for this user only selected and click Install.
In the Mobile Makers prefernce pane, follow the instructions until you get all green lights:
In your browser, on this page at GitHub, click fork (up top right)
In Terminal, change to your Documents directory:
cd ~/Documents
Copy the browser’s URL bar to clipboard, in Terminal type
git clone
(ensure the trailing space!) and then paste. Press enter. Use the following screenshot for reference: -
cd MMPrep
. This changes the Terminal's directory to the clone you just created. -
In Terminal.app type:
mate Challenge-01.md
TextMate is a simple text-editor, use it to complete your coursework.
When you are finished with each challenge, in Terminal.app type:
git add Challenge-01.md
When you complete the other challenges, ensure you amend the above to use the correct filename.
In Terminal.app type:
git commit
TextMate will open asking for your commit message. A sensible message may be: “Challenge 1 completed”. When you are happy with your message, save and close the TextMate window.
In Terminal.app type:
git push origin master
At any time, type open .
to open the folder you are in in Finder. Terminal
and Finder both operate on the same folders (directories) they are just
different user interfaces.
Your answers to the coursework are now on GitHub. Repeat for the other three challenges. Follow the fork tree to see the other student’s answers. Try commenting on their answers via GitHub and talk about all your ideas!