Pure vanilla JS (+ CSS3) – no dependencies, by Juha Lindstedt & contributors.
Install from Google Chrome Web Store
Frontside card graphics are slightly modified from Chris Aguilar's awesome Vector Playing Card Graphics Set.
Also check out my cool new javascript view library, FRZR: https://frzr.js.org/ and HTML5 Node Garden
LGPL if you use Chris Aguilar's vector playing cards. Otherwise MIT.
npm install deck-of-cards
npm install
npm start
(starts watching for changes..)
- 0.1.4 card.animateTo() -method added –> simplier modules! Simple example of usage
- 0.1.3 JS animations (instead of CSS transitions)
- 0.1.2 Backside graphics + setRankSuit (+ card.value -> card.rank!)
- 0.1.1 Better organized modules + Chrome app
- 0.1.0 Realistic face graphics, notice change of license for now..
- 0.0.4 winning mode, simpler shuffling, CSS box-shadow change
- 0.0.3 big refactoring – code now easier to follow and in smaller pieces
- 0.0.2 made intro shorter & added "poker"
- 0.0.1 initial version
css/ - CSS source (stylus + nib) of the example
chrome/ - Chrome Web Store app source
dist/ - deck.js & deck.min.js
example/ - https://deck-of-cards.js.org
lib/ - JS (ES6) source of dist/deck.js - deck.js is also the main file
views/ - HTML source of the example
- Make z-index temporary by reordering DOM elements between actions
- Enhance API, make more flexible
- https://reddit.com/r/InternetIsBeautiful/comments/3jmq97/html5_deck_of_cards/
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10164513
- http://tympanus.net/codrops/collective/collective-184/
- https://github.com/trending?since=weekly
- https://twitter.com/fwa/status/639719192158171136
- https://twitter.com/search?q=%22html5+deck+of+cards%22
- https://theslackpost.com/tmpg
- http://news.js.org/
- http://boredmachine.com/go/rKv6A
- http://www.moongift.jp/2015/09/html5-deck-of-cards-html5%E8%A3%BD%E3%81%AE%E3%83%88%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%83%97/
- http://www.blogduwebdesign.com/ressources-jeux/ressourcescreer-manipuler-cartes-HTML-Javascript-nodejs-Ruby/1933
- http://fex.baidu.com/blog/2015/09/fex-weekly-07/