This project is using a HTL page together with a Sling Model to create a page. The instance is started with Sling 12 Feature Model Starter.
Attention: The project needs to be fully build before it can be started (also after each change):
mvn clean install
Note: the reason for this is that the artifact and the FM is not installed before the install build cycle but the Sling instance is started before.
There are two ways to launch the project. Either use the Sling Starter Feature Maven Plugin in the launch profile or launch it directly with the Sling Feature Starter JAR file.
Launch the Project with the Maven Profile:
mvn install -P launch
Launch the Project with the Sling Feature Starter JAR file in the root folder of this project:
java -jar repository/org/apache/sling/ \
-af target/slingfeature-tmp/feature-test.json
To Launch the same thing with a process in the background:
java -jar repository/org/apache/sling/ \
start \
-af target/slingfeature-tmp/feature-test.json &
To stop the instance:
java -jar repository/org/apache/sling/ \
The Sling instance is bound to port 8080 and can be accessed local instance.
The HTL Page is printing out some text and the current user which is obtained using a Sling Model.