PerimeterX Express.js Middleware
Latest stable version: v3.1.1
- Blocking Score
- Customizing Block Page
- Custom Block Action
- Select CAPTCHA provider
- Module Mode
- Extracting Real IP Address
- Filter Sensitive Headers
- API Timeout Milliseconds
- Send Page Activities
- Debug Mode
$ npm install --save perimeterx-node-express
"use strict";
const express = require('express');
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
const perimeterx = require('perimeterx-node-express');
const server = express();
/* px-module and cookie parser need to be initiated before any route usage */
const pxConfig = {
pxAppId: 'PX_APP_ID',
cookieSecretKey: 'PX_RISK_COOKIE_SECRET',
authToken: 'PX_TOKEN',
moduleMode: 1,
blockingScore: 60
/* block users with high bot scores using px-module for the route /helloWorld */
server.get('/helloWorld', perimeterx.middleware, (req, res) => {
res.send('Hello from PX');
server.listen(8081, () => {
console.log('server started');
Setting the PerimeterX middleware on all server's routes:
When configuring the PerimeterX middleware on all the server's routes, you will have a score evaluation on each incoming request. The recommended pattern is to use on top of page views routes.
"use strict";
const express = require('express');
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
const perimeterx = require('perimeterx-node-express');
const server = express();
/* the px-module and cookie parser need to be initialized before any route usage */
const pxConfig = {
pxAppId: 'PX_APP_ID',
cookieSecretKey: 'PX_RISK_COOKIE_SECRET',
authToken: 'PX_TOKEN',
moduleMode: 1,
blockingScore: 60
/* block high scored users using px-module for all routes */
server.get('/helloWorld', (req, res) => {
res.send('Hello from PX');
server.listen(8081, () => {
console.log('server started');
Configuration options are set in the pxConfig
All parameters are obtainable via the PerimeterX Portal. (Applications page)
- pxAppid
- cookieSecretKey
- authToken
- moduleMode
Default blocking value: 70
const pxConfig = {
blockingScore: 75
Adding a custom logo to the blocking page is by providing the pxConfig a key customLogo
, the logo will be displayed at the top div of the the block page
The logo's max-heigh
property would be 150px and width would be set to auto
The key customLogo expects a valid URL address such as Example below:
const pxConfig = {
customLogo: ''
Custom JS/CSS
The block page can be modified with a custom CSS by adding to the pxConfig the key cssRef
and providing a valid URL to the css In addition there is also the option to add a custom JS file by adding jsRef
key to the pxConfig and providing the JS file that will be loaded with the block page, this key also expects a valid URL
On both cases if the URL is not a valid format an exception will be thrown
Example below:
const pxConfig = {
cssRef: ''
jsRef: ''
In order to customize the action performed on a valid block value, supply a user-defined customBlockHandler function.
The custom handler would contain the action to be taken when a visitor receives a score higher than the 'blockingScore' value. Common customization options are presenting of a reCAPTCHA, or supplying a custom branded block page.
Default block behaviour: pxBlockHandler - returns an HTTP status code of 403 and serves the PerimeterX block page.
function customBlockHandler(req, res, next)
const block_score = req.block_score;
const block_uuid = req.block_uuid;
/* user defined logic comes here */
Serving a Custom HTML Page
function customBlockHandler(req, res, next) {
const fullUrl = req.protocol + '://' + req.get('host') + req.originalUrl;
const pxBlockUuid = req.pxBlockUuid;
const pxBlockScore = req.pxBlockScore;
const html = `<div>Access to ${fullUrl} has been blocked.</div>
<div>Block reference - ${pxBlockUuid}</div>
<div>Block score - ${pxBlockScore}</div>`;
res.writeHead(403, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
No Blocking, Monitor Only
function customBlockHandler(req, res, next) {
const block_score = req.block_score;
const block_uuid = req.block_uuid;
/* user defined logic comes here */
return next()
The CAPTCHA part of the block page can use one of the following:
- FunCaptcha Default: reCaptcha
const pxConfig = {
captchaProvider: 'funCaptcha'
Default: 0
Possible Values:
- Module does not block users crossing the predefined block threshold. The custom blocking action function will be evaluated in case one is supplied, upon crossing the defined block threshold.1
- Module blocks users crossing the predefined block threshold. Server-to-server requests are sent synchronously.
const pxConfig = {
moduleMode: 1
Note: IP extraction, according to your network setup, is very important. It is common to have a load balancer/proxy on top of your applications, in which case the PerimeterX module will send the system's internal IP as the user's. In order to properly perform processing and detection on server-to-server calls, PerimeterX module needs the real user's IP.
The user's IP can be passed to the PerimeterX module using a custom user defined function on the pxConfig
Default with no predefined header: req.ip
Extract the real IP from a custom header
const pxConfig = {
ipHeaders: ['x-true-ip', 'x-some-other-header']
A list of sensitive headers can be configured to prevent specific headers from being sent to PerimeterX servers (lower case header names). Filtering cookie headers for privacy is set by default, and can be overridden on the pxConfig
Default: cookie, cookies
const pxConfig = {
sensitiveHeaders: ['cookie', 'cookies', 'secret-header']
Note: Controls the timeouts for PerimeterX requests. The API is called when a Risk Cookie does not exist, or is expired or invalid. API Timeout in Milliseconds to wait for the PerimeterX server API response.
Default: 1000
const pxConfig = {
apiTimeoutMS: 1500
A boolean flag to determine whether or not to send activities and metrics to PerimeterX, on each page request. Disabling this feature will prevent PerimeterX from receiving data populating the PerimeterX portal, containing valuable information such as the amount of requests blocked and other API usage statistics.
Default: true
const pxConfig = {
sendPageActivities: false
Enables debug logging mode.
Default: false
const pxConfig = {
debugMode: true
The following steps are welcome when contributing to our project:
First and foremost, Create a fork of the repository, and clone it locally. Create a branch on your fork, preferably using a self descriptive branch name.
Help improve our project by implementing missing features, adding capabilites or fixing bugs.
To run the code, simply follow the steps in the installation guide. Grab the keys from the PerimeterX Portal, and try refreshing your page several times continously. If no default behaviours have been overriden, you should see the PerimeterX block page. Solve the CAPTCHA to clean yourself and start fresh again.
Feel free to check out the Example App, to have a feel of the project.
Tests for this project are written using Mocha.
Dont forget to test. The project relies heavily on tests, thus ensuring each user has the same experience, and no new features break the code. Before you create any pull request, make sure your project has passed all tests, and if any new features require it, write your own.
By forking the repository, renaming test/utils/test.util.js.dist
into test/utils/test.util.js
and changing your configurations on
you can easily setup a development kit.
$ TEST_VERBOSE=true/false mocha
Note: running tests without a valid PerimeterX app id, auth token and cookie key will not work.
After you have completed the process, create a pull request to the Upstream repository. Please provide a complete and thorough description explaining the changes. Remember this code has to be read by our maintainers, so keep it simple, smart and accurate.
After all, you are helping us by contributing to this project, and we want to thank you for it. We highly appreciate your time invested in contributing to our project, and are glad to have people like you - kind helpers.