First download the test suite for CoastalApp using git:
git clone
Change directory to:
cd CoastalApp-testsuite
NOTE: It is assumed that all subsequent operations take place inside the CoastalApp-testsuite directory.
Second download the CoastalApp itself:
git clone --recurse-submodules -b develop
The above command will download the CoastalApp codes into CoastalApp-testsuite/CoastalApp
Third download the required data to run the "hsofs" tests cases (the shinnecock test cases are self contained):
Extract the data into the comm directory by issuing the command:
tar -zxvf hsofs-data-v2.tgz
This command will extract the data into the CoastalApp-testsuite/comm directory
Change directory to CoastalApp-testsuite/CoastalApp:
cd CoastalApp
and run the script to fit your organization's configuration:
./ --compiler intel --platform hera --component "atmesh pahm adcirc ww3" -y
In the case of ww3, the ParMETIS library is required to build ww3. To use ParMETIS within CoastalApp, you need to first download ParMETIS by running the script: scripts/
This command will install the ParMETIS codes into CoastalApp/thirdparty_open.
In this case you need to run the script as:
./ --compiler intel --platform hera --component "atmesh pahm adcirc ww3" --tp parmetis -y
If you want to use a pre-build ParMETIS library in your system, you may run the build script as:
PARMETISHOME=YOUR_INSTALLED_PARMETIS_LOCATION ./ --compiler intel --platform hera --component "atmesh pahm adcirc ww3" -y
To get the full list of options that the build script accepts with brief explanations, you may run the script as: ./ --help
Change directory into CoastalApp-testsuite.
Edit the file regtest_list.dat and uncomment the test cases you want to run. Next run the supplied script to run the requested test cases.
If you decided to install CoastalApp and/or the hsofs data in some location outside the CoastalApp-testsuite directory then you need to run the as:
If your platform is not "hera", you may also pass your desired platform name to the script as:
NOTE: The interface to the script "" it is most likely to be changed to include more commandline options to enhance the script's usage. Please stay tuned ...