Currently supported are chruby, evm and kiex. kiex support requires evm.
First up, set up chruby, evm and kiex. Then, put this in your .bashrc:
source path-to-xvm/xvm.source.bash
# only needed if you want auto-change behaviour
if [ -n "$PS1" ]; then
trap xvm DEBUG
You can then call xvm
to have versions set up according to version files (see below) in your current working directory.
If you decide to use the auto-change behaviour, xvm is called automatically for you when you change directories (and at
other times, too, so changes to version files are usually picked up immediately)
The well-known .ruby-version
file is detected and used by xvm to call chruby.
A .xvm-evm
file will be used for calling evm use
with the version in that file as argument.
A .xvm-kiex
file will be used for calling kiex use
with the version in that file as argument.
Kiex is only called after evm has been, since elixir versions often require a certain minimal erlang version.