A Node.js library to interact with nimbella.com
npm install @nimbella/sdk
const nim = require('@nimbella/sdk');
async function main(args) {
// Redis
const redis = nim.redis();
await redis.setAsync('key', 'value');
const value = await redis.getAsync('key');
// Storage
const bucket = await nim.storage();
const file = bucket.file('hello.txt'); // Filename
await file.save('Hello world!'); // Contents
// Database (MySQL)
const db = await nim.mysql(); // Returns a configured mysql2 connection.
const [rows, fields] = await db.execute('SELECT * FROM `table`');
// Embedded Database (Sqlite)
const sql = nim.sqlite()
// execute a statement
// it returns [lastId, changedRows] where relevant
let res = await sql.exec("create table t(i int)")
// execute a parametric statement with parameters
res = await sql.exec(["insert into t(i) values(?)",1])
// execute a query, returns an array of objects
// each object corresponds to a record: [{i:1},{i:2}]
let m = await sql.map("select * from t")
// you can also pass parameters
// and limit the number of returned elements
m = await sql.map(["select * from t where i >?",],1) // [{i:1}]
// execute a query, returns an array of arrays
// each array corresponds to record values: [[1],[2]]
let m = await sql.arr("select * from t")
// you can also pass parameters
// and limit the number of returned elements
m = await sql.arr(["select * from t where i >?",],1) // [[1]]
// you can prepare statements
let ins = await sql.prep("insert into t(i) values(?)")
let sel = await sql.prep("select * from t where i>?")
// the returned value is a number and can be used to execute
res = await sql.exec([ins,1])
m = await sql.map([sel,1],1)
// when you do not need any more close the statement
// running prep again with the returned value
await sql.prep(ins)
await sql.prep(sel)
We're always happy to help you with any issues you encounter. You may want to join our Slack community to engage with us for a more rapid response.
Apache-2.0. See LICENSE to learn more.