This is a swift compatible implementation of the password strength checker zxcvbn and a relies on the one specific contribution aimed for iOS. Check it out here.
is easier to integrate since it's compabile with Swift Package Manager.
Using swift package manager. Follow instructions here.
One to use zxcvbn-swift
is to use DBPasswordStrengthMeter
. This is a built-in component from the original implementation:
import ZxcvbnSwift
lazy var meterView = DBPasswordStrengthMeterView()
lazy var passwordField: UITextField = {
let field = UITextField()
field.isSecureTextEntry = true
field.autocorrectionType = .no
field.autocapitalizationType = .none
field.placeholder = "Type a password here"
field.addTarget(self, action: #selector(textFieldEditingDidChange(_:)), for: .editingChanged)
field.rightViewMode = .always
field.rightView = self.meterView
field.borderStyle = .roundedRect
return field
// You can add a target to your editing text field or implement
// your preferred method from UITextFieldDelegate.
@objc func textFieldEditingDidChange(_ textField: UITextField) {
guard let password = textField.text else { return }
If you prefer creating a custom UI component for diplaying your password strength, you can use DBZxcvbn
straight away:
import ZxcvbnSwift
lazy var let checker = DBZxcvbn()
{ ... }
// You can add a target to your editing text field or implement
// your preferred method from UITextFieldDelegate.
@objc func textFieldEditingDidChange(_ textField: UITextField) {
guard let password = textField.text else { return }
let strength = checker.passwordStrength(password)
// Score is an Int32 representation between 0 and 4.
// You can easily display this result within a UIProgressView
// by multiplying for a 0.25 factor.