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Collecting data of kanji usage frequencies from Twitter Streaming API.

See POST statuses/filter for details.


  1. git clone
  2. npm install
  3. cp tokens.json.dist tokens.json
  4. Fill in your tokens in tokens.json (create a new app)
  5. node collect-data.js - a new stream is started right away, but data is not being saved automatically!
  6. Enter help to see a list of available commands
  7. Enter save to store data in a file (kanji.json in root directory)

Status message

{ state: 'RUNNING',
  percentFull: 0,
  uniqueKanji: 3666,
  totalKanji: 2300350 }
  • state - if 'PAUSED', data is not being collected
  • percentFull - how full is a stream queue, see description of stall_warnings parameter
  • uniqueKanji - how many distinct kanji were seen so far
  • totalKanji - how many kanji were seen in total, including repetitions