by scriptmunkeeofficial
To help me keep my dot files consistent across development machines/environments, I've created this repo. Everyone is free to use the dot files for their own personal enjoyment.
Once you've installed the dot files from this repo you'll have a Bash Shell ready for Ruby on Rails or Python or PHP development. TMUX & VIM will be visually in sync using Airline & PowerLine themes
- .bash_profile
- .vimrc
- .tmux.conf
Replace or Append dot files
Install necessary fonts
- Powerline Fonts can be gotten from Github
- Font used is Source Code Pro & Anonymous Pro
- Powerline OS X Install Guide
- Nerd Fonts
Install iTerm2 for Max OS X
- Set iTerm2 to use the Source Code Pro font
Application Themes
- Nord
- Hybrid
System Requirements
- Brew
- urlview
- tmux
- reattach-to-user-namespace
- Brew
- ls='ls -G'
- ll='ls -l'
- la='ls -a'
- term-width='tput cols'
- term-height='tput lines'
- vg='vagrant'
- vgssh='vg ssh'
- vgstatus='vg status'
For the Java & Android developers, here are the standard needed environment variables being set.
Enabling color support within Bash and Grep
- TERM="xterm-color"
- LSCOLORS=ExBxDxCxegedabagacad
- GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
Setting a two line bash prompt with the full directory path.
Bonus: There is a commented out version that only uses the Current Directory
You'll need this for some Git goodness in the shell. ;-)
[add screenshot here]
I've included a shell script that will start Tmux with a default 3 Pane layout and 2 Windows.
When the script is run, this file is copied to $HOME/bin
and an alias created called tmux-default
. Execute tmux-default
from your terminal to make the magic happen.
- CtrlP
- emmet
- fugitive
- lightline
- nerdtree
- nord-vim
- tcomment
- tmuxline
- vim-airline
- vim-airline-themes
- -vim-git-
- vim-hybrid
- vim-log-syntax
- vim-ruby
- vim-tmux
- vim-tumux-navigator
$HOME/.vim/bundle/ ├── ctrlp ├── emmet-vim ├── lightline.vim ├── nerdtree ├── nord-vim ├── tcomment_vim ├── tmuxline.vim ├── vim-airline ├── vim-airline-themes ├── vim-fugitive ├── vim-git ├── vim-hybrid ├── vim-log-syntax ├── vim-ruby ├── vim-tmux └── vim-tmux-navigator
Clone the Git repo
git clone
Run [ eventually, but until then just copy them accordingly ]
cd [clone location]\dot_files
- Navigate to the
[clone location]\dot_files\files
directory - In the dot_files directory open the dot_* file with your favorite editor.
- Copy the portions you want to your dot files (i.e. .vimrc, .tmux_confi, .bash_profile)